Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Assorted Internet Trivia

Okay, so I'm on Day Three of my EBOLA-THON; my head still feels stuffed with discarded tissues and wadded up copies of the Washington Post, God help me. If there are any over-the-counter cold remedies I haven't taken, I'd be surprised!

So, a little catch-up. Here's a really nice site for listing gun happenings of the week. Darn handy...thanks, Les!

Also, Aphecca is weighing in heavily on Reginald Jones' appearance at Ohio University's Second Amendment Club on the topic of how gun control is racist:
Gun-rights advocate Reginald Jones used humor and a dynamic, informal speaking style to deliver his inflammatory message -- "Gun control is racist" -- at Ohio University Thursday night.

"People are surprised to hear that," Jones told a small crowd of about 25 people in Baker Center's 1804 Room. Jones maintained that gun-control laws were used to keep blacks from defending themselves against the Ku Klux Klan in the old South and against the "criminal class" in the urban ghettos of today.


"The inception of (gun-control) laws were to keep blacks down," he said. "Blacks are at the mercy of the criminal class. We can't hold criminals accountable, so we hold guns accountable."

Jones noted that no one supports the banning of knives, which also can kill.

Read the whole thing.

Interestingly enough, I'm going to be interviewed Thursday by National Public Radio's On the Media, discussing media bias regarding firearms. This is a story I pitched to them, whcih coincided with a story already in the works. We've had some really fascinating conversations leading up to the interview. I'll let you know when it's goign to air.

Back to bed...

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