Thursday, February 24, 2005

News from the Second Front

Here's an example of what I was talking about on the antigunners' Second Front, the attacks on the 5.7 X 28 cartridge and the FNH Five-seveN pistol in particular. This is from Philly, but notice it's an AP wire story:
WASHINGTON - New Jersey's U.S. senators plan to introduce a bill that would make it illegal for anyone, except a police officer or military official, to purchase or use an assault pistol that fires bullets capable of penetrating a bulletproof vest.

The Five-SeveN gun made by FN Herstal of Belgium has already been denounced by three national police organizations and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The handgun is small and lightweight and easily concealed in a person's pocket, the groups said.
A couple of interesting points here...notice the phrase "assault pistol." I'm an alledged expert in the field, and I have never heard of an assault pistol...which means it's another one of Brady's made-up words. Which, of course, AP bought hook, line and sinker. Notice also that the Five-seveN is now a pocket pistol. I checked on mine in the safe last night to see if it shrank...amazingly, mine is still a full-size pistol. How about that! Maybe I should run it through the dishwasher...

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