Friday, February 04, 2005

Paging the Producers of COPS!!!

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

This from the police blotter of Nederland, Colorado, where I unassumingly live:
On January 27, Officer Jake Adler was on routine patrol when he observed a vehicle turn off of East St. onto Highway 119, park, turn their (sic) emergency flashers on, turn their headlights off, and the passenger jumped out and began dancing around in a circle. Upon contact the driver advised they were from Europe and the passenger was enjoying a certain song on the radio and liked to eat cookies and dance to the song at the same time. The driver further stated she did not like cookie crumbs in the car, so that's why the passenger got out to eat and dance. The couple then asked Officer Adler to pose for a photo. He declined.
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

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