Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Few Words to Live By

While halfway watching television in the hotel tonight, I heard a quote from George Orwell that once meant a lot to me, but somehow sank into the sludge pit that passes for my long-term memory:
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
It's interesting to me that the quote resurfaced during a time when I'm rehashing what I did and didn't do and, generally, kicking myself in the ass for a long list of perceived failures. I can honestly say, however, that among that long list of failures, not telling the truth isn't one of them.

I am constantly reminded that even though I am probably the least religious person I know, the universe is always throwing out the things one needs, whether one knows one needs them or not. Strange, that.

Speaking of which, I have also received in the last week or so a series of amazing letters from SHOOTING GALLERY viewers — amazing because none of them are death threats, perhaps — rather, they are the kinds of letters a person who presents himself or herself to the public dreams of getting. I try to answer them all, because I do care what you guys think...a lot! Thanks...

On project updates, I've finished a couple of Michael Bane Blog video segments that as soon as I come off the road next week I'll stick the titles on and post 'em. One is on the Detonics CombatMaster, which I'm prepared to go on record saying is the BEST LITTLE BITTY 1911 ON EARTH. I also have a shocking confession to make...when shooting little blasters quickly, or great big blasters slowly, the Weaver stance works better to control recoil that a pure isoceles...oh god, I am going to have to take so much rhino dookey from the guys and girls at GUNSITE! Not to mention Walt Rauch! I'll be elaborating on this more later and in one of the video segments. The key, however, seems to be that while the isoceles allows the gun to return to the same spot after recoil a lot better than the Weaver, the Weaver is better for controlling the gun, that is, forcing the gun to do what you want. Like I said, more later, but I wanted to start warming up the crow...


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    To paraphrase, no stance lasts after you engage the threat.(And you don't get to pick your "start" position most times.)

  2. Amen, bro!

    One of the huge advantages of the isoceles over the Weaver is that it is "stance independent" doesn't care where the lower part of your body is or how it's can be in Pittsburg, for all your arm turret cares.

    I think we're moving toward a less doctrinaire stance on stances, so to speak..more a question of what works as opposed to a formal "this is the stance that works" position.

    This is worth really taking a look at...


  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    We did and have. Remember Media days?
    But, if you make this type of shooting too simple, everyone would be able to do it.

    (Who forgot to sign the stance comment.)

  4. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Years ago, my boss and I went to the range and rented a Desert Eagle .50AE for lunch. He fired it twice, I think. I put a couple mags thru it. Using Weaver, that thing was back on target as fast as my Officer's .45 is, or faster. I think with Iso, I would be pulling the sights out of the top of my head. BTW, I'm only about 115 lbs. Shooting that was a blast!
