Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Interesting Reading on the Upcoming Republican Debacle

Unless, of course, President Thompson steps up to the plate. The great Geoffrey Norman, writing in NRO, notes that Rudy Guliani has a gun problem:
Would any of us vote for him?

Hard to say. If he changed his views on gun control once, what is to keep him from changing them again? Either the law is clear or it isn’t. When something is a “right,” it should not be contingent on one man’s shifting political ambitions and jurisdictions. That kind of “right” isn’t much of one at all, and people who believe in the right to bear arms think of it as a whole lot more substantial and fundamental than that.
Guliani, John "Gun Show Loophole" McCain, Mitt "NRA Life Member" Romney...did any of this sad sack of rabid cats ever consider for even one moment that the gun culture was not as stupid as their effete suck-up advisors told them? These guys give me a nasty case of indigestion. Hey Rudy...you want my vote? Join USPSA and IDPA, buy an STI racegun, shoot every weekend, get a carry permit and buy a Glock, go to GUNSITE for a week, throw a few references to John Browning and Clint Smith into your stump speeches, show up at the Steel Challenge and embrace the winner, start leaving comments on DOWN RANGE forums, make derogatory remarks about the Violence Policy Center and challenge Sarah Brady to a wrestling match in a steel cage...otherwise, drag your butt back to New York City and campaign against the rats in taco joints...


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    And here is Romney's song and dance:
    Mitt Romney: Yes, and I know the NRA does not support an assault weapon ban. So I don't line up on that particular issue with the NRA, either does President Bush. He likewise says he supported an assault weapon ban.

    Today we don't have the Brady bill because we have instantaneous background checks. That's no longer a operative or needed measure.

    But I'm a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights. I believe people, under our Constitution, have the right to bear arms.

    We have a gun in one of our homes. It's not owned by me, it's owned by my son, but I've always considered it sort of mine.

    Stephanopoulos: When did you join the NRA?

    Mitt Romney: Within the last year and I signed up for a lifelong membership. I think they're doing good things and I believe in supporting the right to bear arms.

    I've been a hunter all my life, not frequently, but as a boy, when I worked on a ranch in Idaho, we used to go out shooting rabbits, because they were eating all the barley, and I got pretty good with a single shot .22 rifle, and been quail hunting more recently.

    So I'm a hunter and believe in Second Amendment rights, but I also believe that assault weapons are not needed in the public population.

    MMMMMMhhhh. Doesn't that make you want to give this guy money? Can anyone tell the difference between these guys and hillary? I mean they all wear pants.

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    The housing market is getting soft and is likely to take the economy into a recession.
    The congress is going to force us out of Iraq, resulting in a bloodbath on the scale of Viet Nam and Cambodia. Our international prestige is going to go through the floor and oil through the roof.

    Does that sound like the Carter Administration?
    Yep yep.
    So, let's put a Dimocrat in for 4 years to take the rap and worry about undoing any damage tehy do in '12.

  3. Anonymous1:16 PM

    If you can guarantee me that the occupant of 1600 Penn in 2012 WILL undo the damage, sure. But first, name me one gun-control law that's been undone. The AWB/94 doesn't count.

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I think its so stupid to want to ban assault weapons, liberals are so retarded. its not the gun itself that is evil or dangeraus, its the person that holds the gun. my 19 year old brother Damy owns guns and he's never killed anyone. a car is Very dangerous you can crash and kill both yourself, and more, but its not a car that is evil, its the person in the driver seat. if guns are ever taken away then i know a LOT of people that will be very pissed off i know i will be.

  5. Anonymous5:35 PM

    How come most all you guys here seem to tolerate "tap dancing" by conservative politicians on every other topic (border control, rational for war in Iraq, Islamic Terrorism in general, social welfare, Palestinian issue, etc., etc., etc.) for political expediency; but when it comes to 2nd ammendment, by golly, you aspiring leaders better speak up forthrightly or go straight to hell!

    The second ammendment is not an island issue, it is an integrally connected part of the continent of Freedom and Responsibility. Don't try to separate them, please.

  6. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The 2nd amendment is my litmus test. If they are going to abrogate my 2A rights, they don't trust me, so I don't trust them. YMMV. By that criteria, though, there are what, 25 out of 535 congresscritters worthy of retaining office? /sigh

  7. Anonymous7:46 PM

    So then I says (holding personal liberty so dear to my heart and all), I says, "General Washington, sir, about the time you and all of your officers make all your colored slaves free men, then I'll think about fighting in your war for independence. Until then you and your whole Continental Army can go straight to hell, and I'll just keep on keeping on with ole King George!"

  8. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Yeah, I don't know about all of our "conservative" leaders. I think they do listen way too much to their "effete suck-up advisors" (very well put, Michael). Even Pres. Bush, who admirably sticks by his guns on a very few things, doesnt't do it enough, and doesn't even attempt to articulate very often the necessity of his policy to the people. These conservatives seem to be following a policy better suited for criminal defense than leadership. (Do not take the stand for testimony; too much risk!)

  9. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I think Romney's heart (not his tongue) is probably right on this and other critical issues. If he really is blind to the fact that being armed is not a privilege of a free state, but a necessary condition for the same, I think he would understand with only a little bit of reasoning help provided him. Actually, I think less than a full afternoon of your companionship and tutelage on the range would do it, Michael, and I am not joking. I think you mentioned once that the NRA had deep-sixed a program you were involved with that taught media/Hollywood types familiarization with arms: Wouldn't a similar program with politicians be money well spent?

  10. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Romney is just playing a political card and cannot be trusted beyond election day. The fact that he says so-called "assault weapons" do not belong in public hands is all I need to know about where he is on the 2nd Amendment. That puts him squarely in the anti-gun category as far as I am concerned.

  11. I'll support the candidate who supports banning all current gun laws.

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    amen Michael, praying for Mr. Thompson to join the fray, otherwise I am sitting on the sidelines...

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    WTF has Thompson ever done besides bad acting? His Senate career was short and completely undistinguished. But Republicans have a history of electing incompetent actors so I guess he has a chance.
