Thursday, July 26, 2007

Single Actions for Self-defense

See? I'm trying to get serious again. Hard to do, since I'm in California to shoot the Shooting Industry Masters, meaning I will have to pretend to shoot sporting clays. And cowboy...I'm good with cowboy. Of course, Tequila will be better...ringer! Ringer! I did bring some of my "A" stuff, including the blood-red "Cartman" Winchester X2, a Steve's Gunz Navy Arms '92 clone and — because all teh brass from Ruger will be here — two really slick Blackhawks...a 100% New Blackhawk Flat-Top from Cylinder & Slide and my fully restored 1956 Flat-Top .357 from Dave Clements. I may not be able to hit anything, but damn, I get style points!

Since I can't carry in this miserable state, I didn't bring a carry gun. But I did bring a very .357 JHPs for the Blackhawks...specifically for the C&S New Flat-Top because it's got a transfer bar and holds six rounds. Gives me something to keep me warm and fuzzy in the hotel room.

Funny story...when we were running the NSSF Media Seminars, one of our regular instructors was Angie Kelley, your basic law enforcement SWAT trainer girl. One morning we're out here in sunny CA and at breakfast Angie asks, "Hey Michael, would it be okay if I got a box of 9mms out of the case for my hotel room?" Sure, I said. Thanks, she replied, as someone had tried to break into her room the night before, screaming, yelling, etc., and she had a room full of guns and no ammo. Whoops...

So, do I feel undergunned with a 19th Century single action revolver to protect my tiny hotel room? Nahhhhh...get real! Real World scenario says someone tries to break into my room, he (or she, this being CA and all) gets to meet Mr. 125-grain JHP, who doesn't actually care what the launching platform is. I doubt there's going to be a firefight, and even if there is I have several hundred cowboy rounds for the Navy Arms carbine.

Prepare the sandbags! Get ready to hodl the fort! No wait, it's Ontario...who wants to hold the fort...give it to them and ESCAPE...

BTW, Our friend Jeff at Alphecca has fallen on some hard times...stop by the site and kick him some kibble to help tide him over!


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I routinely pack a single action revolver when woods bumming, and have never felt under gunned. Unless you are attacked by a street gang, a cylinder full of magnum ammo should be more than enough to get the job done, in 99% of the situations you might find yourself in. (I would almost say that even if you were attacked by a street gang, after the first round or two of .357 125 grain JHPs barking at them you would find yourself all alone anyway!)

  2. Pretty effective piece of writing, much thanks for your article.
