Monday, July 27, 2009

Apologies.. advance for Wednesday's podcast...the audio quality sucks, as my natty digital recording set-up for the road was in my hapless, tortured, disapperared suitcase. So I'm in my hotel room in Music City USA using my second-string recorder waiting for my replacement stuff to arrive from Amazon. It'll be better next week, I promise!

Marinade-wise, it's a taste thing — 2 cups tamari, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce, dash of lime juice, 4 dashes Tabasco (but hey, it's on you), wasabi to taste (but more is better...your sinuses will thank you).

Hanging out with Ronnie Barrett tomorrow, so I anticipate a rockin' good time!


  1. Lov'n Ronnie's BOOMING .50's since the mid-90's.

    Enjoy ~;-)

  2. ericire127:13 AM

    "Hanging out with Ronnie Barrett"

    ..... You are living the dream, Mr. Bane.

  3. You do realize you can't throw a rock in Nashville without hitting some recording gear Michael. Have fun with Ronnie!

  4. Maybe a side trip to Sabre Defense while you're in town?

  5. Michael,
    Thanks for the marinade recipe, it really seems like it might do the trick for my salmon.... I understand that my sinuses and other orifice(s) are my responsibility....


