Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Yet Another Election...

...and I need your vote! Yep, it's Golden Moose time over at OUTDOOR CHANNEL, the annual awards given at SHOT. None of my shows are technically eligible for awards, since I labor for OC. I am, however, eligible for Fan Favorite—Host/Personality.

I'd like to solicit, grovel for and beg for your vote. I believe that, if I win a Golden Moose, I will bring about World Peace, the lion shall marry the lamb, the secret recipe for the SHOOTING GALLERY Official Margarita will become the choice of diners worldwide, you dog will come home and win Best of Show at Westminster and all Angelina Jolie will be texting you any minute. No, really...

Seriously, if I have a chance at winning a Nobel Peace Prize, it has to begin here, with your vote.

You can vote for me HERE...

...or not...


  1. Sapper3D3:29 PM

    You got my votes for Best Defense: Survival for best new show and host. Good luck, Michael.

  2. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Had to vote for Tom Massie. Now his is a hell of a show !

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Don't watch your shows. Just read your blog.

  4. Does this count as Astro Turf?



  5. voted, good luck!

  6. Wallaby Jack2:12 AM

    ... sorry, I cain't vote for you .....

    (apparently Australia still isn't recognised as a state of the U.S.A.)


  7. Not eligible, can't vote - don't get cable or satellite.

  8. @DirtCrasher - Do like a politician would do - lie! It's worked for anti-gun politicians for years :-(

  9. Don't worry, Dirtcrashr! My wife met Michael at Boomershoot and her vote will take the place of yours!

    Best Defense: Survival is the greatest thing since sliced bread, IMO.
