Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Happy Birthday 1911

General Keyes cuts the cake;

-- Post From The Road


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Well MB we aren't all so familiar with the players in the industry. Had to Google a bit to find out Gen. Keyes is CEO of Colt. Certainly a good reason for him to be at the 1911 class at Gunsite. He has some bio. Pretty awesome prior life in the Marines.


  2. A happy day indeed. I think we can say it has stood the test of time pretty well.

  3. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I was at the range shooting a colt 1911 while listening to your podcast on the 1911. Good stuff, thanks for the podcast. Happy 100th to the 1911!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh that is great that there was a cake! My boyfriend Chad is there this week, too, and I asked half-jokingly if he thought there would be cake. He didn't tell me there was! I hope you have had as great of an experience as he has had and that you are able to catch up on some rest. Sounds like it was an exhausting, yet very exciting week!
