Monday, March 07, 2011

Me Ready fir Zoms

-- Post From The Road


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Mach schnell, bad boykin! No vay vee schplatening zee old paintball now!

  2. Personally, I'd ditch the Busse for a Smatchet, but that's..... Wait a minute. Busse Smatchet? My head just exploded. Fitting.

  3. I dont know that I wouldnt opt for a full face one of those pull down clear face shields like Rick had on the first episode of the Walking dead when he beat the zed's head in with a bat. Gotta keep the biological out of your eyes and mouth

  4. Also, it would have been especially cool if you could have found a decked out Saiga 12 with a ten round mag.

  5. I don't know, but there's something almost "GQ"'ish about your zom ensemble. But you need to accessorize more. Let's say something in a spiked or studded black leather bandanna hiding a straight razor. Or maybe even razor laced nunchucks..... Whatdaya say

  6. Oh You Rock! I am very glad to see you sporting a Busse!! Looks like maybe a NMFBM LE? Hard to tell from the pics. Someone should have lent you a Busse AK-47 or Gladius... Maybe if you do a follow up episode put out a casting call for "tools of the trade" an you might even get a few extra zombies too! Well Done! Take care! Obake

  7. Pathfinder10:53 AM

    Busse Smatchet? That was my radio name back when I was on AM . . . .

