Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Open Gun I Can Get Behind!

The CZ-75 TS "Parrot"...of course it's got the wrong sight on need this one, the OKO "Parrot red dot"

Those Czechs...apparently we have the same tastes!

As per our commenter Laura, this is the obvious shirt to wear, from Amazon, no less...

And, of course, something to replace that drab, drab baseball cap with a Hornady logo on it...

I wonder if they have one with electronic ear protection built in? This could make the next IPSC World Shoot really, really festive!

Now that we've dealt with issues of sartorial splendor, let's move on to some real gun stuff...looks like Guns & Ammo has finally stumbled into something we've been talking about for years, the fact that the .223 is in fact an excellent home defense cartridge. Of course, they failed to mention that the AR is LOUD! Maybe next month they'll stumble into suppressors as well.

Although over at The Truth About Guns, they don't agree:
Rifles are, without a doubt, the worst idea. They’re cumbersome to maneuver, you need to put them down to do anything productive, and they don’t give you any additional benefits. The shotgun got you a little wiggle room in terms of accuracy, but the rifle is just as unforgiving – shooting wise – with the added benefit of having to worry about where the rounds eventually end up. Like the neighbor’s bedroom.
TTAG does agree that the darn things are loud, however...and anybody who saw this week's SHOOTING GALLERY on terminal ballistics now believes, absolutely believes, that you never, ever want to stand in front of anything that says "12 Gauge" on the barrel! BTW, am I the only one who thought that the ballistic gel hit by the 12 gauge slug looked like a giant alien caterpillar in its death throes??? I got to cut back on my caffeine...I did suggest at least one block of gel with a couple of cans of mixed fruit and a luscious whipped topping, but somehow that one never got made...

Over at The Survivalist Blog, there's an interesting article on the .22 LR as the "Best Survival Firearm:"
In my opinion, not having a number of .22s in your survival arsenal would be a mistake, but I think it would be a bigger mistake to rely on the .22 exclusively. It is underpowered for a number of important uses, it puts one at a tremendous disadvantage at distance, and it’s not a sudden killer of large game. Although people and large animals have been killed by the .22, it’s just not consistent enough to be a compromise.
Pretty well-done article...worth your time. And from an occasionally controversial direction, Suarez instructor Chris Flaherty has an excellent article on the Suarez Blog titled "Bullets Don't Work" (scroll down the page):
Quite simply put. Bullets don’t work, but we are lucky. Ammunition manufactures do a great service. They include a couple “magic” bullets in every box. We as end users just have to find them.
Bullets don’t work and keep shooting good accurate shots until that magic bullet does its damage.
I said this a lot while putting together the Panteao Productions CCW video last weekend, though not quite so eloquently.


  1. Now all you need is a fantastic shirt to match...

  2. (Please note: I fully acknowledge the fact that you probably already HAVE a shirt to match. Just suggesting an excuse to purchase another.)

  3. My parrot shirt is black, just like Thomas Magnum wore!


  4. Well, then, all the more reason to pick up that red shirt! :)

    Silliness aside...I can't imagine using .223 for home defense unless I were outside, defending against marauders. Indoors, that cartridge is just way too loud (and my 20" rifle is a bit too ungainly).

  5. Anonymous2:12 PM

    MB says .. "you never, ever want to stand in front of anything that says "12 Gauge" on the barrel! "

    As we were sleeping last night on our comfy memory foam beds, next to the warmth of our super model wives/girlfriends, listening to the sounds of the night time forest waft thru an almost Springtime open window, whilst we drift into dreamland with thoughts of Mitt Romney offshore bank accounts dancing in our heads...someone learned that lesson in NYC.

  6. kmitch2003:44 PM

    Although over at The Truth About Guns, they don't agree

    Pretty retarded article.
    Use a handgun not a long gun? That ranks right up there with "Just give them what they want."

  7. Chris H5:32 AM

    I'd like to watch TBD and SG but I don't have cable. It's 2012, where can I stream the episodes? I'll even pay for them!

  8. FM4516:46 AM


    Speaking of cool handguns, how does a "double barrel" .45 1911 pistol with 16 rounds on tap (duplex single column magazine, 8 rounds each). See the link below for article. They have a picture, and yes there's video.

  9. Charlie Foxtrot4:39 PM

    A gun that "special" deserves one of Micheal's "special" shirts. Maybe one that causes ALF to spontaneously vomit. He's gotta have a closet full of them... ;^)'

    Seriously, that's a Bad Czech.

  10. Thanks for the link to the shirt. It will be here next week!

  11. Boy, do I get tired of reading articles written by youngsters who think they're re-inventing the wheel with their comments about rifles, shotguns and handguns. They should be spanked and sent home. Just because they never learned from people like Clint Smith or Bill Jeans how to move around in tight spaces with a long gun, or how to shoot well so they don't miss or that the point is NOT to miss with the damn things, they inflict their lack of knowledge on the world ad nauseum. The whole tone over at TTAG is tiresome, for that matter. Let's just hope that the wunderkind writer doesn't come up against a real bad guy, who'll shoot him while he's racking his shotgun and give him a lesson in terminal ballistics.
