Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jim Carey Sucks Balls

Can we just blot this SOB out of our collective consciousness? He hasn't done anything of consequence since In Living Color and as near as I can tell he has the intelligence of a glass of lukewarm water.


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    ACE VENTURA, DUMB AND DUMBER, THE TRUMAN SHOW, and MAN ON THE MOON are all worthy films. What do they have in common? A certain decade.

    His latest film, THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE, is a certifiable flop. I suppose with his name reduced to less than the ink it takes to print on a poster, he is comfortable being overtly vile. What a sad, pathetic man. And a loon.

  2. Trolling gun owners seems to be the latest way for has-been celebrities to get attention. Carrey and P. Morgan could return to their native countries to throw tantrums, but it wouldn't feed their narcissistic needs.

  3. John S9:15 PM

    I wish there was a way to get ahold of this asshat and have everyone email him telling him what a turd he is.

  4. In Carey's case, life imitates dumb and dumber. Maybe Mr Carey should renounce the American part of his dual Canadian/American citizenship, and retreat back to gun free Canada. What a freakin'

  5. Since there are so few good celebs, that eveytime someone mentions a self-righteous, statist jackass, I think it's helpful to mention a freedom-minded celeb. So, Joe Rogan.

  6. I'd like to apologize on behalf of Canada for his presence here on Earth.

    The only excuse I can offer is he's from Ontario, which is kinda like Illinois and New York combined together, only moreso.

  7. Hey Jim Carey,,,when I wanna hear an a**hole speak,,,I'll fart.

  8. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Guarantee he's for abortion on demand.

  9. Tom from Roanoke7:20 AM

    Gee, Mr. Bane. I don't know that it's healthy to hold your tongue like that.

    But seriously, you made me laugh out loud.

    Regards to Alf.

  10. RMCM(SS)7:46 AM

    As with all the other self-appointed elites who choose to mouth off on subjects they know little or nothing about, WHO GIVES A CRAP?

  11. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I'll bet this ass-clown still hides behind the guy that has the guns though, just like the rest of them.

    Life Member

  12. Why did you have to insult lukewarm water like that?

  13. I can explain. It's pretty apparent he has a deep seated fear that he's really a psychotic mass murderer...

    "There is one recurring dream that I go crazy and want to wipe out a bunch of people. But all I can find is a Daisy air rifle."

    I hope he gets help for his mental illness.

  14. Jkwas2:57 PM

    And yet he is appearing in the sequel to Kick-Ass as a gun toting super hero.
    Ok to make your money glorifying violence, hey Jim?
    It's like all the Hollywood types. They cash in on violence and then look for some kind of ecleasiastic forgiveness to atone for their cinematic sins.
    Hey, Jim, just say three Hail Mary's instead and throw $5.00 in the box on your way out the door next time and spare us the Hypocracy.

  15. JohninMd.(HELP?!)3:39 PM

    Ever noticed how much Carey resembles the Newtown shooter? fugly......

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Gun bill worse than thought..

  17. mike garcia7:54 PM

    as someone said "its easy to be anti-gun when you have bodyguards"

  18. Anonymous10:14 PM

    The NEXT time I give a rats ass what Carrey has to say about anything will be the FIRST time. He's a fool who has made his living playing fools in movies (not much of an act there), so why anyone would give a second to care about his thoughts on ANY subject is beyond me.

    Seriously, why do people even care WHAT these idiots have to say about ANYTHING? Carrey, the Karadshians, Pitt, Cruise, Penn, Oprah, etc. These "people" don't even live on the same planet that we do, so why do their dumbass ramblings even register on our radar?? I seriously care more about what my DOG thinks than these idiots. I have never and WILL never understand the morbid fascination of people in this country with celebrity or "royal" worship. I don't CARE what trouble prince whatever his name is gets into, NOR do I care what hollywood whore is sleeping with whom. It is just beyond me.

    Good TV is Outdoor channel, good celebs are Michael Bane and Joe Montegna, everything else is just nonsense. I'm so tired of this crap that I could just puke.


  19. He was in Dumb and Dumber. Which character did he play? Or was it a dual role - both dumb and dumber? Oh well, patience with these Canadians. They gave us hockey pucks and Ann Murray.
