Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday in the High Country...

...and back to the mundane tasks of wielding the ole snow shovel and clearing the long driveway here at the Secret Hidden Bunker. Might do some dry-firing this afternoon, clean a parrot cage, pull the lever on the Dillon, you know, just stuff.

I came across this on the Western Rifle Shooters Association blog:

I have to say, George Orwell was a man ahead of his time. While I was cooking last night — red beans and rice with salmon sausage, if you must know — I was thinking about a meme I started on the Internet...that antigunners don't hate guns, they hate people with guns...and that would be us. After months of politics, I can categorically say that at least in Colorado, those words could not be more true. In some ways it's hard to parse that with the mainstream of America. But the last decade of relentless divisiveness has, I believe, taken us to a brink where none of want to be. It'd be fair to say we all live in a state of willful blindness, not seeing those things we don't want to see.

Michael Bloomberg has crafted a brilliant narrative — that we simply don't matter. The NRA is funded by some shadowy group of Gigantic Firearms Companies rather than millions of concerned individuals;  anyone who supports firearms rights is at best ignorant and at worst a domestic-terrorist-in-waiting; that the progressive wave of future is, as George Orwell noted, toward control.

But I believe we do matter. I believe in Samuel Adams' "...irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds." What a wonderful phrase... "set brushfires in people's minds." We've gotten complacent from our years of one victory after the other, but I feel that is changing. We're gearing up for the long march, for the fight of our lives. And I believe we will win for the simple fact that we understand relentless. Once during a radio interview I was asked by the host whether I always voted "guns." I said yes, I did, and she responded, "Well, I vote for gun control." I said I understood, but the difference between her and me was that in the next few months, other issues would rise up to capture her attention, and she'd find herself voting for schools or for community centers or for more taxes or against global warning. I, on the other hand, will still vote "guns" — every, single time.

So my message in Colorado will be 2014 is coming. I believe that as a culture we are the last great libertarian — small "L" — hope, the repository of the DNA of America. And we are irate and tireless, but I don't think we're a minority, not any more. So let's get back to work on those brushfires!

And meanwhile, I'll get to work on all that white stuff outside...


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Here is to hoping that This State by State strategy backfires and instead of demoralizing gun rights advocates, it awakens and energizes everyone who values freedom. The political backlash in 2014, and even before, must be visible, vocal, relentless and brutal.

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I guess that face without a nose still doesn hurt WW enough.. the trouble with lacking pragmatism is that you wind up right, but dead right. Wake up and smell the coffee of the least of all evils. If you dont, you wind up with the very evil, as in.. can you say it... WW's Obama.. that is what we got, WW's Obama.. thanks For your insane purity.

  4. Oddly enough, the first time I heard that theory espoused was on The West Wing.

  5. "gunner"2:55 AM

    i'll stand with mike, thanks very much. since i first registered to vote here in vermont i have "voted my guns" against the clown posse misrepresenting me in congress, and at the state level,particularly
    voting against the senile old fool leading my senate delegation. i wish "leaky leahy" no harm, but i will welcome the day when he goes to pay the ferryman.

  6. All Politics comes down to 2 or more sides in Conflict over an issue. Whether it's a BIG Issue like the RKBA or a small local issue like raise the fees on Dog Tags, our Republic has a system to hash them out and take a Vote if necessary.

    But ANY Government that no longer has a Fear of its Citizenry because the Citizens are no longer able to respond with FORCE to Tyranny is an end to the Political Discussion.

    So ALL Issue then become a simple case of Decrees issued by those in Power, and all the Rights to a Free Press, Peaceable Assembly, Redress of Grievances, etc, are no longer applicable, because of a very simple Historical Fact: "First they came for the Jews..."

    So my personal Political Mindset has become very simple and basic; Do You FULLY support the RKBA? Any Politician who says "Yes", I can trust being in Power. If they "Yes, but.." or "Well, I'm not against Hunting per se.." or "But the Gun Owners need to realize that..." tells me that they can't be Trusted to hold Office, and will do everything in their Power to gain Total Control.

    And they are the Enemy.

    So Left/Right, Conservative/ Liberal, and other Labels are meaningless to me. It's ALL come down to the RKBA. Period.

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Reagan was a Republican anomaly. Here is the norm:


  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Colorado Dems withholding Sheriff pay raises to express their displeasure with independent thinking....fascists always do things like that....

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Here's my concern: if national polling is accurate, something like 60% of Americans favor gun control, including an outright ban on "assault" weapons, magazine restrictions, etc., etc. If that's true, friends, we are in for a very bad time.

  10. Anon @ 1:57,

    Much of that is simply due to how the question is phrased.

    For example, non-"gun people" still conflate semi-autos and full autos when they hear the word "assault weapon", when accurate descriptions are used the numbers tend to change more in our favor.

  11. Anonymous6:21 PM

    MB--please look into and follow up on reported recent AR-15 purchase by Mark E Kelly--Is it really true? Tnx--DMD

  12. Anonymous1:20 PM

    RE: Kelly AR-15 purchase, here you go:

    Just wanted to see how easy it was to do it; plans to turn it over to the local PD. Right.

  13. Wake up the smallest all evils in the coffee. If you don't, you ended the very evil
