Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lesson Learned

From the Brit papers tomorrow.

The lesson?

Never, never, never be unarmed! A flashlight or walking cane is better than standing there with your thumb up your ass while someone gets their head cut off.


  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Never forget. Never forgive. Carry daily.

  2. The link doesn't appear to work.

    I did read about the incident though. Wow, a full 20 minutes for armed police to London!

  3. Anonymous4:53 AM

    This is a glimpse into life without guns in the hands of honest citizens. Guns are the great equalizer.

    Protect the Second Amendment!

    Life Member

  4. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Oh, by the way; I see that Governor "Hickenloser" just gave a death penalty reprieve to a convicted brutal kid-killer. And this guy can't be recalled?

    Life Member

  5. Anonymous5:58 AM

    20 minutes would be a really good response time in most major American cities. Yet another reason to be armed...

  6. kmitch2007:51 AM

    20 minutes, 2 minutes...either way it's already over for the most part.
    This poor guy's govt didn't see the need for him or anybody else to be armed.
    Remember, leave all thinking to bureaucrats - they are better at it than you and know what's best.

  7. Actually, what's Disgusting is that these Scumbags were able to Rant and Rave and post Vid to the Interweb all while the Locals stood there.

    Not ONE of them ran to the Tool Shed and broke out Shovel and Axes and Hammers and decided to stop these Murderous Cretins.

    Not one.

    Elections have Consequences. Now they get what they Voted for.

  8. nj larry10:22 AM

    HG Wells brilliantly saw the future. Just misplaced it a bit too far out. The Eloi are here now. Watched the video and was stunned to see the woman with her shopping cart casually strolling past the butchered solider, then past the killer making his address to the world. Zero reaction. Zero facial expression. Nothing. So sad how far a country can fall.

  9. England: Soldier is hacked to death in front of his barracks. No one intervenes, armed response from cops arrives in 30 minutes.
    U.S.: Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is shot in front of a supermarket. Bystanders wrestle the shooter to the ground and CIVILIAN armed response arrives in two minutes.

    Advantage: U.S.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Not ONE of them ran to the Tool Shed and broke out Shovel and Axes and Hammers and decided to stop these Murderous Cretins.

    That's because case law as of the '50s and statutory law as of the '60s or maybe '70s would likely put them in jail for such an action.

    The ban on effective self-defense long preceded the total ban on handguns, and obviously made the latter much easier since they weren't legal for anything but target shooting.

    As for the victim, it might be more a situational awareness/bad luck kind of thing, there's one or more pictures floating around of a vehicle on a sidewalk leaking fluids and reports or speculation that the attackers first hit him with it.

  12. 9 minutes for unarmed cops to respond from first 999 call, 14 for the armed response.

    The unarmed cops were apparently bravely establishing a perimeter or something for the intervening 5 minutes.

  13. Victim was deliberately hit by the car, then they got out and attacked him on the ground.

    Not much the victim could probably have done in the real world armed or not. As Monty Python used to say "...but society's to blame."

  14. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Now, it was just announced by the Brit' military that their soldiers are to "stand-down" and they are not to wear their uniforms in public!

    Life Member

  15. Rastus6:38 PM

    Yeah, I read about the can't wear a uniform in public too. How crazy is that....they may as well disband their military, stick their butts in the air and let the up and coming Islamic culture enslave them now.
