Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pizza Night!

My Sweetie and I are making home-made pizza tonight (pesto shrimp and a mushroom/tomato/onion/pepper are on the menu). I'm sticking with Sam Adams Oktoberfest beer, which I'm not completely in love with, but it does have a nice malty finish.

Been talking to Leupold this AM on the VX-6. My inclination is the FireDot LR illuminated reticle:

Looks like ammo will be Hornady Superformance 165-gr International, although I'll do a lot of my practice with Black Hills 180-gr.

Took the Wonder Beagle on a long hike today. Am breaking in a new set of
Lowa hiking boots. The Lowas come highly highly recommended, ands far so good. For a few years I got real stupid and skimped on hiking boots. Last year at the Crimson Trace match I was wearing a, shall we say, less expensive pair of Columbia light hikers. I thought my feet were going to explode. After the match, I threw them away. For hiking I defaulted to my winter boots, Vasque Gore-Tex. They are super warm and dry in the winter (I use them snow-shoeing), but warm for summer wear. A number of people recommended the Lowas, so I decided to give them a try.

Here's a must-read article, mostly because in the U.K. we see the realized goal of American gun grabbers — the elimination of the very concept of self-defense:
For instance in 2006 a defendant called Blackall had been shot and rendered a paraplegic by an unknown gunman who was never identified. On a further occasion a man knocked at the defendant’s front door and put a gun to his head. He reported this to the police but no one was apprehended. 
He kept a loaded revolver thereafter for his own protection. Four months later the police came to his house and he told them where his gun was. His exceptional circumstances were taken into account to reduce the sentence of five years to three years imprisonment.
That's what our blood enemies like Michael Bloomberg and Mr. Gabby Giffords (I'm sure he has a name of his own, but, really, who cares?) want for us all. In England and most of the rest of what we think of as the First World, violence is the exclusive property of the State. And the State enforces an "equivalency" of violence, that is, the non-State exercise of violence is all the same and prohibited, whether it is by an aggressor against an innocent person or an innocent person against an aggressor. Not the country the Founders envisioned, eh?


  1. Slightly apropos: have you heard of the Spuhr ISMS mount? This Swedish fellow reminds me a lot of Bill Geissele when it comes to very skilled but personable engineers making and selling a quality product with the engineering itself as the main sales pitch:

  2. "gunner"8:29 AM

    on the brits, it's beginning to look like our "cousins" across the pond are beginning to demand their rights back. even in the brityish press there are a few fairly intelligent articles about us and our guns, and a fairly large demonstration, with bag pipers leading the march, demanding loosening their gun "control" laws. they've got a long, and hard road ahead, but they're beginning to remember they were once a free people who had rights.

  3. I truly hope the Brits pull it off. Was heartbreaking to be in London looking at the Magna Carta and thinking how far these people have fallen. Actually, was heartbreaking to be in London looking at the Magna Carta — the first codified reference to the concept of "due process" — and think how far WE'VE fallen!

    RP, cool mount! I'll be checking it out...


  4. jerry from upstate new york10:57 AM

    what model of boots did you choose?

  5. Lowa Zephyr Desert:

    If these boots work out well, I'm thinking of adding
    a pair of these with Gore-tex lining:

    I like the Vasque Ultra-Drys I've used for years, but they are a BEAR to break in!


  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi Michael,
    I lived in the UK in 1996 and 1997 at the ivory hallys of Cambridge. There was much cultural exchange (I taught them how to swear and they taught me how to mispronounce many words). One of the topics we discussed in detail quite a few times (I had been shooting for nearly 15 years at that point) was firearms and self defense. The attitude back then was that if I was in my house, and someone broke in, and kicked in my bedroom door, and I shot them, that I would go to jail for my actions. It was a liberal environment but even back then, there was a general attitude of anti-gun anti-selfdefense. I doubt it's gotten better.

    By the way, I had a friend held up at syrringe point (threat of AIDS in needle). Lack of guns doesn't stop crime.
