Friday, August 30, 2013

A Few Random Thoughts While Waiting to Board

The Ruger Guide Rifle is now safely sighted I at 300 yards, and I feel better. I'm going to spend a day at the range with it next week and finish dialing myself in.

On the changes to the NFA process announced by the Emperor this week, it has the potential to put a screaming halt on the explosive growth of NFA items like suppressors and SBRs if the stated proposal, which extends the law enforcement sign-off to all members of a trust or all "responsible parties" in a corporation becomes law. Law enforcement sign-offs have always been the stocking point on NFA transactions...if your local law enforcement official refuses to sign off on your purchase or build, you're screwed, even if there are no other impediments to the deal.

Trusts are, of course, the vehicle for letting otherwise qualified people to get around obstinate/politically oriented law enforcement sign-off refusal. The ATF proposal isn't even up for comments yet, and there will be a 90 day comment period...and the comments will be fierce. More about this on the podcast...


  1. I saw this too and thought it was just getting a background check for any and all who are named in trusts as beneficiaries or trustees. I thought that was a pain in the ass and thought it was really was unnecessary.But your explanation shows it is much more sinister. This has to be addressed.

    The only bright spot I see is if all fails, and they implement this as it stands, this is a wonderful opportunity to have this whole fucking farce, called the National Firearms Act, destroyed in a new pro-gun administration.

  2. Also they are eliminating reimport of military civilian grade relic firearms and rifles. An attempt to ruin the C'MON.

  3. Stuck in our monsoon here, are we? :D

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Sure am glad 0bama stopped the dangerous inflow of Garands from Korea, plus those street-sweeping Mosin-Nagant 91s. Will certainly prevent a crime wave like the one we had in '63 when NRA sold 600.000 surplus M1 carbines. You remember it, don't you? Assault weapons and all that? It was in all the papers.

  5. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Don't forget Mauser 98s. I wonder if that includes custom rifles on a 98 action?
