Sunday, August 11, 2013

Scumbag Alert!

If you haven't had your fill of morons this weekend, here's one for you...Mr. Rick Scalzo, dumb as a sack of rocks:
“I need an assault rifle and 20 round clips to defend my home” 
Bullshit. First of all who in the hell are you defending your home from? The Taliban? Unless you are sitting in a chair at your front door, magazine in, round chambered and safety off, you are not going to shoot a damn thing. So in reality, if I had broken in, by the time you got up, got the gun out and started loading it, I would have taken it from you and beat you to death with it.
You betcha, Rick! Your wiener must be the size of an SUV! Good it just e or do these guys get dumber every week?


  1. His use of "clips" instead of "magazines" tells me he didn't really serve, either.

    1. MrSatyre4:19 AM

      I know lots of servicemen who call magazines clips. Is it wrong? Yes. Does anyone except you care anymore? Not really. It's like "your" and "you're". If you know what someone means by the context in which it's used, the difference becomes moot.

      Can you instead devote your angst against his idiotic message?

  2. I doubt it is the size of an SUV, probably more in the line of a CROSSOVER! Typical Chicago bigmouth wanna be thug!

  3. This is what happens when you eat too many Cornflakes with added testosterone!

  4. Ursa Ele7:08 AM

    A lot of naive people around. Using a rifle or shotgun for home defense does require some degree of training and while maybe you as an individual have that training, plenty of people who own AR’s do not have it, not at all, none, zip. By pure luck any of us might be able to pick up an implement and successfully defend ourselves and our home against one or more violent criminals. It does happen. But luck is not a great a strategy. Plenty of people who think they will be able to use their shotgun or rifle for home defense have no training with it at all for that purpose.

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Ursa Ele,

    Can you show us any data that supports your viewpoint? There seems to be a preponderance of data that shows that armed citizens in many surroundings actually can and do successfully use various guns to defend themselves. Conversely, we rarely, if ever, hear of instances where your thesis is applicable.

    I would suggest that you would be right if one lives in a locality where guns must be locked up until they are needed for use.

    Life Member

    1. MrSatyre4:23 AM

      You're not using any data to counter his valid points, though. You're simply stating that there are instances of successful home defensive uses. As you know, we very rarely hear about those in the first place thanks to media bias.

  6. If semi-auto rifles are so utterly useless, why does the Left keep trying to ban them?

  7. And, how big would my penis have to be to useful for home defense?
    Would I even be able to wear pants? Or would I have to be like Robb Allen?

  8. Wow! Tough questions! I have to admit that I don't actually know how big Robb Allen's penis is or how he carries said penis (shoulder holster, IWB, Ching Sling, U-Haul Truck). Trainers Caleb Giddings and Iain Harrison occasionally wear kilts, but I always assumed that was some sort of mental disorder, or, at the very least a profound breakdown of fashion sense, something that might be encountered if Anna Wintour got into some really bad acid.

    I suppose that for home defense a penis would need to be somewhere between Anthony Weiner-size and the mouse-size penis grafted on Mrs./Mr. Garrison on the SOUTH PARK episode "Eek, A Penis!" A lot would depend on whether you chose to use the traditional horizontal foregrip or a more modern vertical foregrip, with or without a laser...


  9. JOKING! JOKING! Do NOT contact Crimson Trace!!!



  10. What sort of wang based martial art do the antis recommend for those with prodigious appendages?

    What would women use? Oddly shaped nunchucks?

    PS: Let me know if this is too blue for the blog.

  11. Ursa Ele --

    Actually, using a semiauto rifle such as an AR15 for home defense is easier than using a pistol, even with only the minimum training needed to know basic gun safety and how to load the rifle. Even if they only get enough range time to know what to expect in terms of recoil.

    Anyone who can run a shotgun confortably for hunting or sport can run that same shotgun for home defense.

    Is training useful? Sure. Can you learn how to run the gun more effectively for home defense with training? Sure.

    But in the end, at 10 yards (a pretty safe bet as to the maximum range you are likely to face in your house), simply having the gun shouldered provides enough accuracy to get the job done.

    (I don't recommend this, mind you, but even shooting an AR "like a shotgun" by looking across the sights is pretty accurate at 10 yards. Hell, I used to do my NBC mask qualifications on the F type pop up targets at 25m that way, since my pro mask glasses sucked so bad I didn't install them.)

  12. would rob allen's mode of carry be a super tuck delux?

  13. Man, that dude is one remarkably sh*tty writer. Kinda sad to even acknowledge it.
    Although, does he completely debunk the 'assault rifle' nomenclature in that seventh paragraph? Thanks, buddy!

  14. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Using a rifle for home defense (after having read the article - my brain has a bad feel to it now, and grit is in my eyes) - the author claims that it is a poor choice, since collateral damage may occur.

    So, more appropriate would be statistics on how many times a rifle round has penetrated the house in which it was fired, and hit someone else, or an SUV, which was NOT the intended target.

  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, Michael.

    From my recollection, .223 / 5.56mm rounds tend to penetrate less in residential walls than most service caliber pistol rounds.

  16. Awtha7:03 AM

    hmm, a crimson trace wiener light . . . . . wont this young man shoot himself in the foot? Well, i would rather be "beat" going for my weapon than to give in to your Chicago "Illinoing" BS.
    MB, you make me guffaw, where do you find this stuff?
