Monday, November 07, 2016

DOWN RANGE Radio Podcast Postponed Until THURSDAY!

For obvious reasons.

We will have the podcast up first thing THURSDAY AM!


  1. Still having podcast problems through iTunes. All the new podcasts are being listed as being published Dec 31, 2000. This means that they're not at the top of the list. Plus, having the problem with it saying 'not a valid link' when I try to subscribe.

    The current weekly procedure is to
    1- unsubscribe from the show in the podcast app.
    2- remove the show from the iphone Podcast app.
    3- search iTunes Store for Down Range Radio
    4- scroll through and find the current episode and download it.

    This can't be great for your numbers, if all apple users are having the same problems.

    1. I'm having issues on android too, cant get it to work. subscribe/unsubscribe still doesn'genee episodes to load.

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Regardless of which authoritarian wins tomorrow, it will again be time to shovel copious amounts of sand into the gearbox of government. I do not trust BHO as a lame duck, and we have to pass through that wicket before proceeding to the next.

    Eternal vigilance.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Get to the polls, no matter what it takes, and VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP!

    He's our only hope!

    Life Member

  4. NJ Larry11:40 AM

    Sat in my car this morning waiting for the wife to go vote. This old man teared up thinking about this day. Filled out the ballot for the Trumpster and said a prayer before scanning it. I have never before felt like this on an election day. So much of our future depends on it going right. I am convinced this woman and her gang are demonic and will destroy our nation if not a good part of this world. May the good Lord see us thru this time. God Bless America.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Now, and after and regardless of the outcome of this election, we need to build on "Trump's Movement", (Yeah we're gonna call it that) to put into place a Constitutional Process to remove "dictators" from the SCOTUS and other courts. The judges role is to adjudicate the law, not make it. It won't be a mystery, or mental challenge to figure out just who is doing those things, or not.

    Stay tuned!

    Life Member

    P. S.: Many young people outside of a polling place this morning, in "The People's Republic of Rochester, Michigan", waving "Trump" signs! Refreshing!

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I've been fighting it at a lower level, the WordPress feed on the website is messed up. The iTunes feed is scraped from the WordPress RSS feed. It was better for a week a couple weeks ago, then it got messed up again.

    Currently, about two weeks behind because manually downloading is such a hassle now days. (First world problems!)


  7. Anonymous11:03 PM

    By the way, Anonymous @ 8:04 PM,
    There is only ONE authoritarian running for the Presidency of The United State of America. That is Hillary Clinton.

    Life Member

  8. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Well, having just finished watching election, I can't wait to hear what yo have to say.

  9. A well fought battle folks. Congratulations from New Zealand.
    Sandy Johnston, The Hana.

  10. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Well, color me surprised. Like so many others, I bought into the flawed polling...

    Thank God, the 2nd Amendment is safe for another 4 years.

  11. NJ Larry5:10 AM

    Dear Jesus we won ! Miracles do happen. A good enough portion of the American public woke up. Make no mistake, this country still is a divided one. Half the votes went to a corrupt lying communist just like Barry. So the battle is not over. But trusting in Trump to appoint a handful of SCOTUS justices and HUNDREDS of other Federal judges, we may have won the strategic battle. Saved the future for our children. There will be tons of tactical assaults on guns and a half dozen other issues. The STATES have been targeted by the Soros and Bloomberg. Be assured that there will be loses. We even will lose states to the dark side.

    So brothers and sisters, today celebrate. Hug your spouses and kids. But soon we must jock up and head back. We must again guard the ramparts and when called, march to the sound of guns.

    I firmly believe we have seen the silent hand of the Lord in constant guidance of this nation through all sorts of adversity. God Bless America.

  12. Anonymous8:07 AM

    And thank our brothers and sisters in the NRA for their relentless support and TV ads that cut right to the essence of the gun control issue.

    If you're not a member already, JOIN! Too many fellow shooters are not members. With an NRA membership of approximately 6 million vs. about ninety (90) million gun owners, we are not exactly making a good showing there. We need to have the numbers that ensure perpetual security of the Second Amendment. Just imagine if every gun owner was a member. I've been introducing new people to shooting and gun ownership and I've been including NRA membership as part of the "kit".

    Life Member

  13. What a day for the NRA. Even NBC owned that this was an NRA win...that was Chuck Todd late last night.
    I voted guns.

  14. What a day for the NRA. Even NBC owned that this was an NRA win...that was Chuck Todd late last night.
    I voted guns.

  15. ding dong the witch, and her bho, is dead... roll it all back, and stuff the judiciary...

  16. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Song choices for podcast:

    Twisted Sister - We're not gonna take it
    Muse - Uprising
    Ray Charles - America the beautiful

    Lyrics seem fitting for what just happened. Played these and other patriotic songs all the way into work this AM with a shit eating grin on my face and maybe a tear or too (damn that Lee Greenwood).

    Chris J.

  17. Jason M4:30 PM

    Sabaton - Uprising (about the Battle for Warsaw 1944)

  18. We have a Republican house and senate, and now the presidency. No excuses this time folks. We better DEMAND they do something with the NFA. Silencers, SBRs, SBSs, and the like must be removed. It's time to go on offense. No excuses. No excuses. No excuses.


  19. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Amen George.

    Start writing your letters right now!

    AND JOIN THE NRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Life Member

  20. NJ Larry8:26 AM

    While you didn't mention it on your podcast, last week Don Trump Jr put together the Second Amendment Coalition to advise the new admin on 2A issues and legislation. Composed of politicians AND gun community folks. I would love to see YOU MB as part of this group ! Have they contacted you regards this group yet?
