Sunday, January 01, 2017

New Years Day, 2017

"There is always hope..."
-- Aragon, son of Arathorn
"The Two Towers"

"By the rivers of Babylon
Where he sat down
And there he wept
When he remembered Zion

Oh, the wicked carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
How can we sing King Alpha's song
In a strange land?

Oh, the wicked carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
How can we sing King Alpha's song
In a strange land?

So let the words of our mouth
And the meditation of our heart
Be acceptable in Thy sight
Oh, verai!"

Rivers of Babylon


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    plagiarized from Psalm 137 and Psalm 19 :-)

  2. True…and maybe one of the most beautiful songs ever performed…


  3. NJ Larry1:18 PM

    NOT a propitious sign... New Years day, football games lack something, still digesting breakfast of NYE leftover food, Tom Gresham radio show a repeat. Had DVRed an episode of TV show SHOOTER. OH LORD JESUS does it suck. Episode about some sort of silly super psychic bullet. The old gun wise Buddha in cabin. Horrible actors, plodding plot, not even some gratuitous porn. This after spending two hours waiting for Mariah Carey last nite ! Stephen Hunter should sue these guys for defaming his good name.

    WARNING: you will not get your time back. Not a good start to 2017. Save us MB...

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    We all need to get behind this bill:

    Write your Congress members and tell them to pass this!

    Life Member

  5. nj larry8:45 PM


    I have seen this floating around the web today. With this particular bill I believe there is no provision for the handful of states where getting a state permit is next to impossible. This covers close to 100 million in population. I have been under the assumption the gun community was supporting the Cornyn bill which does address this issue by recognizing non-resident permits. Am I wrong that this is an issue?

    Here is S498 text...

  6. Anonymous9:55 AM

    You are right nj,

    The Cornyn bill seems to address the "shall-not-issue" states. The Hudson bill appears to NOT address that, but rather avoid it.

    Appreciate the info' to all of us.

    Life Member

  7. NJ Larry7:58 PM

    Ok...when the old guy is wrong I will admit it. Just saw this post from GOA. IT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSES MY POINT. Apparently the Hudson bill does help the slave state residents..... You have my full support !

  8. NJ Larry8:46 AM

    Wow this is turning out to be a real bad season for gun folks... The former Navy SEAL who was on History Channel a ton and did the FutureWeapons show has died...Richard Machowicz passed due to cancer.

  9. Anonymous5:20 PM

    That is truly sad nj.

    "Mack" Machowicz was a good soldier and host of some cool shows that we here could identify with. He added "color" AND credibility.

    Too bad Hunter Ellis has been reduced to "hawking" flashlights in cable TV ads. He too had the character that garnered respect on those type of shows. I hope that he goes back to his real profession, teaching us.

    Life Member

  10. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Here's some interesting news:

    Write your congressmen and support this not only for ownership, but hunting application too.

    Life Member

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM


    In the mean-time:

    Some more good news!

    Life Member

  12. Anonymous8:45 PM

    According to the "useful idiots", "it's common knowledge that citizens owning and possessing guns NEVER, EVER use them for any good purposes and simply owning guns puts them at higher risk than not owning a gun". Yeah, right.

    This is just another example of whet we here already know.

    Life Member
