Monday, November 15, 2004

Here's a shocker...

Everyone's favorite New York Times hysterical liberal columnist, Nicolas Kristof, has just discovered
"Nothing kills Democratic candidates’ prospects more than guns. If it weren’t for guns, President-elect Kerry might now be conferring with incoming Senate Majority Leader Daschle."

Read his whole column here, then give it some thought.

This is probably the shape of the anti-gun movement over the next four years. Note that the usual nonsense statistics from Brady and the VPC are missing in this commentary. No "10 children a day" or the other obvious spin numbers. Also notice that at least several of Kristof's "steps" are old news...public safety campaigns to keep guns locked up? Try NSSF's Project Childsafe, which has given away almost 20 million gunlocks since its inception.

I'm still trying to get a grip (yes, that's a pun!) on his comment
We routinely make aspirin bottles childproof, but not guns, even though childproof pistols were sold back in the 19th century —they wouldn’t fire unless the shooter put pressure on the handle as well as the trigger.
Old S&W Lemon Squeezers with grip safeties? 1911s with grip safeties? Maybe he should just get a new Para-Ordnance LDA--grip safety, drop safe (like all modern firearms), high capacity, now available in colors.