Saturday, November 20, 2004


I forgot to mention that you can start buying numerous tasteless items emblazoned with the SHOOTING GALLERY logo at I personally insisted on the SHOOTING GALLERY lunchbox, because I thought it would go well with those nifty Kali Goddess of Destruction lunchboxes you can get from India and here and there. I also thought SG lunchboxes would give nerdy schoolkids a golden opportunity to shine (and, given the current "zero tolerance" idoicy in schools these days, probably do time).

Send me an email and let me know what sort of logo'ed stuff you want. The store link should be up on the SG site next week. Also, we're finalizing the deal to allow you to buy SG-logo shirts and concealment vests from SIGTAC. Yeah, SIG's a big sponsor of SHOOTING GALLERY and they give me the stuff. I would like to point out, however, that several other "tactical" clothing manufacturers made the same offer, and I chose SIG because the stuff is really good! The vest is hands-down the best concealment vest on the market. Yeah, yeah, you look nerdy, but so what? Unless you're Angelina Jolie or gunwriter Walt Rauch, who looks like he was born in one, you're gonna look nerdy in a vest. Get over it. I wore a pair of the SIGTAC BDUs all over Europe through days of filming, and they still looked good. The shirts are indestructable and designed by people who actually use this stuff. Plus, we'll whine and bitch until we get you a good deal.

Eventually, we'll have DVDs of past episodes for sale, but right now we're in EDITING HELL, trying to make the deadline for Season 1 of COWBOYS and Season 3 of SG.

For those of you nice enough to ask, you can get a copy of ALL NIGHT RADIO, my first novel and most recent book, from Amazon or directly from the publisher at the book link. The perfect Christmas gift!!! Buy 20; better yet, 200. Keep in mind that when you buy a copy from Amazon, I get, like $0.19; direct from the publisher, I get enough for a Happy Meal!

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