Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Back in the World!

Sigh...even a short vacation is better than no vacation at all!

Still, I have learned several important facts during the Santa Fe Long Weekend:

1) You cannot eat green chilis at every single meal for two days without consequences! This is the reality of it. I suppose if you eat chilis every day you develop some kind of immunity. I probably eat hot food at least once a week, but the daily chili ingestion adds up. This is why god made Pepto-Bismol!

2) Art is expensive. Good art is more expensive than bad art. Some art sucks, and it is still expensive.

3) Sometimes New Age devotees inadvertently create something cool, as in the case of a "Faeries in the World" exhibit, which in addition to all the cartoon-creepy anime-eyed faeries included a series of bronze-cast amazingly slutty faeries. They looked like Russian debutantes after an all-night bender with nitrous oxide and a hockey team. Tinker Belle indeed! If those faeries are "in the world," I hope they drop by my corner of it to visit. Maybe I should put vodka in the hummingbird feeder.

4) You would think that a "Georgia O'Keefe Museum" would have a lot of Georgia O'Keefe paintings, especially a selection of the famous ones, wouldn't you?

5) Lucchese is still the Gold Standard of cowboy boots. If they were good enough for Gene Autrey and the Duke, they're good enough for me. Now, if they would only start offering a loan program for potential purchasers!

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