Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The End of a Snow Day

Well, so far, all I succeeded in doing today is shoveling snow and fielding phone calls. I thought nobody worked the week before Christmas!

A couple of interesting tidbits...there's an good commentary on why we do NOT need a national ID card in the Washington Times from Richard Rahn at the Cato Institute. I sympathize with him, but I wonder whether the whole issue of a national ID is a snowball that's already rolling downhill.

Martha "Butch" Stewart sends us greeting from the slam:
"So many of the women here in Alderson will never have the joy and wellbeing that you and I experience. Many of them have been here for years -- devoid of care, devoid of love, devoid of family."
Kick butt, Martha! I hope she comes out, makes another zillion dollars and uses it to humiliate the ridiculous prosecutors who wasted so much money and the court's precious time on what should have been a slap on the wrist.

New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, already running for governor of NY in 2006, has kicked off his campaign by cracking down on toy guns:
"Marc Beige, president of Rubie's Costumes, said he sold up to 70,000 toy guns a year to costume shops across the state, from clown guns that unfurl a "Bang!" sign to replicas of Al Capone's .38 special."
Al Capone's .38 Special? This bears looking into...

Finally, in ALIEN NEWS OF THE DAY, the French alien cult known as Raelians have named rapper Eminem an honary priest:
"In a press release the French-born alien cult known as the Raelians explained the priesthood was in acknowledgement of the rapper's recent Bush-bashing single, "Mosh." Eminem earns some bragging rights on this one: The Raelians have only bestowed this honor upon a select few. Fellow recipients include George Michael and Linda Ronstadt, for their respective Bush disses."
Read Shaun Macomber's entire story at NRO. You gotta love any alien cult that post links to topless devotees engaging in whatever alien cults engage in. Plus, the flash intro is just tooooooo cool for skol! Plus, you gotta know Eminem feels like crap for getting lumped with George Michael and Linda Ronstadt...The Concert From Hell! "We are the weird; we are the churlish; we are the ones without the brains of a cabbage..." Special guest appearance by Barbra Streisand and about a million four-foot tall guys with big heads and phasers set to flambe! Tickets on E-Bay; I can't wait! I'll be there with Al Capone's .38.

I've got to go put on my aluminum foil hat and see if I can get enough reception to cook dinner. Over and out...

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