Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Excellent Pro-Gun Article from...San Francisco?!?

Check out this excellent article from SF Gate:
The stipulation that only those who require handguns for their jobs, such as law-enforcement and military personnel and security guards, be allowed to keep them adds to the ballot proposition's ominous connotations. As much as society may respect such representatives of law and order, if they are given the exclusive right to bear arms, we could find ourselves in what many on both sides of the political spectrum are constantly warning us about -- a police state.

Beyond the potential for abuse on the part of government, what about the wisdom of leaving citizens defenseless? Although the media rarely report such incidents, countless crimes are prevented every year by legal gun owners standing up to criminals. In the United Kingdom, where private gun ownership has virtually been outlawed, the prejudice against self-defense has reached the point where citizens are not supposed to yell "Help!" while being robbed or attacked. And, if they witness a crime on the street, they're forbidden to get involved and must instead stand by until the police arrive. This is where incremental restrictions on the right to self-defense can lead. Do we really want to live in such an utterly docile society?
SFgate.com is considered a very liberal site in an very liberal city. Let this be a reminder to us that all liberals are not necessarily on the other side! Definitely read the whole article and circulate it!


  1. I've long found it interesting that the hard left hates gun control as much as we do - but not always for the same reasons. Talk about strange bedfellows.

  2. it was a nice article and it'd be nice if you keep up with this informative project for a while because we need this king of initiatives, specially when we're looking for some political spectrum about it .

  3. I don't like to live in a country where I have to use a gun all time in order to defend myself, but I think sometimes I have to do it because it's my life or the life of the robber.
