Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A GOOD Gun Magazine!

All right, already! Having now dis'sed the firearms press in the macro, I've been challenged to cough up the name of a gun magazine I actually like — and more importantly, respect. Okay, here it is:


Editor Jerry Lee is thoughtful, thorough and 100% professional. He's not afraid of controversy — it's not unusual to see two stories where experts disagree on some critical point or other. But it's never the bullshit fake controversy that makes up too much of the fodder of some of Jerry's competition. Experts can, do and even should disagree occasionally; this is serious stuff we're doing, teaching people to defend themselves, and there are no "revealed truths." BTW, any "expert" who tells you that he or she has the revealed truth, turn and run! That person is peddling male enhancement products, and you never want to bet your life on a fake stiffie!

The magazine routinely features writers like Walt Rauch, Patrick Sweeney, Bruce Gray, Duane Thomas and the like, people to whom I turn when I have a question about tactics, firearms, reloading, etc. This is the A-team of firearms writers, and even when I don't agree with them, I carefully consider what they write.

More importantly, none of the writers of HANDGUNS has ever tried to sell me anything, be it dogma, videotapes or guns with their names on 'em (although most of those people listed have been consulted by the major firearms manufacturers at one time or another and have had major design input into firearms).

Yeah, the mag could be printed on something other than tissue-paper, but that's the business these days. At various times, I've written for all the gun magazines. When I have the time these days, I write for HANDGUNS exclusively.

Now, go subscribe!

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