Monday, January 03, 2005

Robo-Sapien Rules!

Here's a great interview with Robo-Sapien inventor Mark Tilden from the website late last year. When asked about about the cult movie Blade Runner, which I have seen roughly a zillion times and can mouth the dialogue along with the characters, here's how it went:
GadgetMadness: We are huge fans of the 1982 Ridley Scott film, "Blade Runner." Many thought provoking questions are explored in this film, such as what rights should robots have in a human society. Where do you see robots and humans in the next fifty years, and do you think any of the "science fiction" seen in films today regarding robots will become reality?
Mark W. Tilden: Ever walk through florescent Hong Kong at midnight wearing a trenchcoat in a hard rain contemplating your next massive robot production line? I am Blade Runner without the VanGelis soundtrack. I foresee in the next five years needing a full time team just to retire errant Biomorphs who escape from their masters during city wide role-play games. As I work with a bunch of kung-fu expert, air-weapon toting, sci-fi loving, robot nutjo... er... enthusiasts, my only concern is how I'm going to target my gun wearing those super thick Tyrel glasses.
As for the real future of robotics, I can say it is a/ close and b/ fun. Modern communication technology is designed to bring the world to you, but robotics will soon bring you to the world, fast, cheap, and pretty much risk free.

They won't replace humans, but there are other things they can do outside what biologics are capable of. It'll be interesting, and left-shifted from what many expect. Very different from most mass-media predictions.

However, Bladerunner isn't far wrong. For example, I've already said, in perfect seriousness, "They're my friends. I make them."

Makes ya think.
This guy is having 'way too much fun! I wonder if I can get him on SHOOTING GALLERY?

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