Friday, March 11, 2005

Neat New Gun!

I just wanted to say that the little Remington 7615 5.56 pump carbine pretty much rocked. We took it through all the hoops, from shooting off the bench to speed drills on steel to the infamous Gunsite Rifle Scramble course, and it just kept on ticking.

I'm sufficiently impressed to say the 7615 may be the ideal rifle for a civilian self-defense scenarios — easy to shoot, uses readily available AR magazines, not and "assault weapon," light weight. I could go on, but you really need to shoot one. They should be in the civilian pipeline within a couple of months.

BTW, wait 'til you see my "out" at the end of the SHOOTING GALLERY episode on this gun (and carbine shooting in general)! I'd just finished a run through the Scramble (and a pretty good run, if I do say so myself), and I'm a pathetic whipped puppy.


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Any idea on MSRP?

    Overload in Colorado

  2. In the $700 range, but I would expect some substantial discounting.


  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Excuse me, but why in the world would I want to waste $700 to buy this? Looks like a solution in search of a problem. I pump this thing instead of buying an AR with more options, no pump, uses the same round and magazine? What niche market of 40-50 people does this solve? Who are they selling it to?

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Hmmm....well, when they get around to making it in 7.62X39, add a good folding stock and ghost rings, maybe.....nice idea, poor execution. Keep trying, Remington, you'll get it. Unless Winchester or Ruger beat you to it.

  5. Anonymous11:56 PM

    These are an excellent idea for places like Australia where semi-auto rifles are banned.

    A pump action rifle with a 30rnd mag, beats a bolt action 5 shot rifle if you can't own a semi-auto

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Down here in Aus we're lining up for them, crazy to think they'll allow us to own these carbines but not a slide action 12G.
    So damn frustrating !!!

  7. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Seems like they were too good for Australia. They imported about 200, then the Fed. Government banned further import. There is still a chance of an appeal though.

  8. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I love the concept of the 7615- but the price! yikes! if an 870 shotgun express version is over the counter at 225 or so and a 7600 rifle in sporting versions is at various places for around 375, I find it hard to swallow that the mag adapter and ghost rings would add 300 in cost- unless the current listed prices is "new product syndrome?"
