Friday, April 01, 2005

Chelsea Morning

"I woke up, it was a Chelsea morning..."
—Joni Mitchell

Well, not exactly. But there is a quality of spring light that always reminds me of my years in New York City. I had a fifth floor walk-up on 8th Street commercial drag in the Village (I could always walk to Chelsea for breakfast!), looking south over the ritzy condos and apartments thatringed Washington Square Park. On mornings like this — substantially warmer than here at 9000 feet — I'd make coffee, go sit on the fire escape and watch the Village sputter to a start...artists and writers aren't exactly morning people, you know.

Enough of the walk down memory lane! I've got about a ton of work to get done before I head for Tulsa ("Take me back to Tulsa/I'm too young to marry"...Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys) early this afternoon for more AMERICAN RIFLEMAN filming. Boy, have I enjoyed my 20 hours at home this week!

I would like to say a fewe words about Jane Fonda and her "apology:" Screw you, you miserable whore!

Thius from Drudge on La Fonda's upcoming book pitch:
Jane Fonda has no regrets about her trip to North Vietnam in 1972 - with one big exception: her visit to a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun site used to shoot down U.S. pilots. She says her appearance there, which earned her the epithet "Hanoi Jane," was a "betrayal" of the U.S. military, its soldiers and "the country that gave me privilege." She regards the event as one of the biggest mistakes of her life. Fonda speaks to Lesley Stahl in her first interview about her upcoming autobiography, Jane Fonda: My Life So Far, for a 60 MINUTES report to be broadcast Sunday, April 3

"The image of Jane Fonda, Barbarella, Henry Fonda's daughter...sitting on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal...the largest lapse of judgment that I can even imagine," says Fonda. She does not regret, however, visiting the enemy capital, Hanoi, or being photographed with American prisoners of war there - despite the propaganda value it afforded the enemy. "There are hundreds of American delegations that had met with the POWs," says Fonda. "Both sides were using the POWs for propaganda....It's not something that I will apologize for," she says.
So she's not sorry for being a propaganda shill for a country America was fighting, and not sorry for the fact that she allowed herself to be paraded before American POWs both as a propaganda tool and to make those heroes' — our heroes! — life a little more painful. But she is sorry she sat her butt on an antiaircraft gun. Got that? I say again, screw you, you miserable whore! When Roger Vadim pimped you out for 3-ways, he had your number, didn't he?

Check out Alphecca's weekly survey of media bias on Second Amendment issues. he correctly notes that the Minnesota shootings failed to give antigun forces the ammmunition they wanted so badly. I also really like these t-shirts for women from MassBackwards: My Gun; My Choice.
Well, time to quit stalling, "put on the day/And we'll talk in present tenses."

1 comment:

  1. "Sheee-oooot! (as we say out here, west of Colorado.)

    Ol' Jane has been apologizin' for her 'photo-Op in the Hot Seat' for ten years that I know of. Her words are all the same old thing, done in the same old way.

    She remains unconvincing. She sounds like, well, Michael Jackson, in that she's not really sorry she DID it, she's just sorry it ended up being such really, really BAD publicity.

    Remember the Sex-Machine scene in Barbarella? She pretended she didn't like it, but she wasn't moving from that spot until the ride was over, or she had burned the machine out.

    Whichever came first.

    (I saw the movie in Fort Lewis, Washington as a Basic Trainee in 1968. We found it ... tittilating.)

    She hasn't truly moved from that spot in 35 years, and those of us who were there, who lost friends there, will never forgive her infidelity.

