Thursday, August 18, 2005

Here's a Heartwarming Story...

From the San Francisco Chronicle:
An 84-year-old woman whose San Francisco apartment was overrun by gang members has filed a $900,000 claim against the city, charging that officials failed to protect and care for her.

Police said in May that Gutierrez had been living for several months in her apartment at 2265 Mission St. as a virtual prisoner of six alleged members of the SureƱo gang. Gutierrez was unharmed, but her apartment was filled with drugs and crack pipes, there was gang graffiti on the walls, and a gun was found in the bathroom, police said.
Luckily, San Francisco has been very successful in its war on guns, disarming its citizens and turning the streets over to heavily armed drug gangs. Good job! Maybenow it's time to focus on that known urban menace, airsoft guns!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Good Luck on that claim. The Black Robes has recently ruled that the guvment has no real charge to protect people. We are on our own. But, you guys know that. Regards
