Monday, October 03, 2005

Contact Toto...Stuck in Kansas...

Well, not exactly stuck, but here for a couple of days for a buffalo hunt for COWBOYS. We'll be with Doug Turnbull, using his beautiful (and expensive) restored rifles.

Meanwhile, you can take a look at our latest experiment, a revised SHOOTING GALLERY website that I hope will become the coolest — and most useful — on-line firearms magazine. Right now, it's just a DUMMY (much like myself!), but in a few weeks it will be, essentially, a blog community. I'm inviting various and sundry people in the industry to be regular (or irregular, as befits the person) contributors.

So far, I've been really gratified at the'll be able to get information from and interact with the great trainers and shooters we've featured on SG & COWBOYS. Plus, I'll browbeat you into buying my books! Or else! I mean it!

Seriously, I think this has a tremendous opportunity to become the first place you hit when you tourn on your computer — after, of course, the Wicked Weasel bikini site and/or Boys Gone Wild

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