Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wuss, James Wuss...

I'm going to do a wrap-up of my week at GUNSITE and the S&W GUNSITE 1911 as soon as I have one full night of sleep, but I wanted to make sure everyone sees this item on the "new" James, courtesy of our pals at the Carnival of Cordite:
New Bond: I hate guns

By This is London
25 October 2005
Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates guns.

The actor will wield 007's famous Walther PPK in the movie Casino Royale.

But he revealed in OK! magazine: "I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.
Golly, another SCUMBAG WEASEL EGG-SUCKING JERK-OFF WHORE actor looking to make a few bucks off our culture...there's a surprise! I say that when Casino Royale comes out, let's give Danny Boy a good ole American one-finger salute, to make sure he knows he's "NUMBAH ONE" in our book!


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    When guns are unavailable, people just kill each other with knives, swords, and blunt instruments. The only real difference is that physically weaker people are at the biggest disadvantage in a no-gun society.

  2. And we need look no farther than New Orleans for proof of that!


  3. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Sean Connery campainged publically for the UK handgun ban in 1997.

    The English have been sucessfully gelded. Take heed!
