Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Season (FINALLY) for SG & COWBOYS Coming Up!

Yep, it's almost NEW SEASON TIME!

You can find the preliminary line-up for SHOOTING GALLERY here.

COWBOYS is here.

It's going to be a great season, and it's hard for me to pick my favorite shows. You can't miss the Knob Creek stuff or the SHOOTING GALLERY Challenge, where we give away $5000 to the last person standing. Plus in COWBOYS, do not miss the Perils of Tequila episode, where we get to kill the hapless Tequila over and over again!

I'll be fleshing out show descriptions and adding some pixs over the next couple of weeks.



  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    JPFO is calling for an end to the BATF. The recent RAID on KT Ordnance show that is time for the BATF to go.

    We need the NRA to get behind this and help rid us of the WACO baby Killers

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Now if you can please turn off that noisy animation every time we check the schedule...

    Oh, and where did the schedules for seasons 1-4 go?

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The Shooting Gallery Challenge!I can't wait for that one. That's going to be some serious shooting.
