Monday, July 17, 2006

CBS to Offer "Solutions"

Gosh, I am so excited! the lovely and intelligent Katie Couric is ready to take MSM "news" to a new level when she takes over. Remember her trip to talk with the peasants out here in sad, pathetic Red-State-Land? Here's what she learned:
Viewers told her they want more perspective and "a better understanding of the ramifications of the news," she says. "I got the distinct sense they want us to go a little bit deeper" with historical background and "how is this relevant to their lives. (And) we heard from many people the news is just too depressing. Obviously, we can't sugar-coat what's going on, but there are cases where we can be more solution-oriented."
I know that CBS — America-hating, gun-grabbing, socialist-oriented Northeastern effite liberals that they are — will have lots of solutions for us to help our everyday lives! Given what those bastards really think of us, any "solution" they come up with will probably involve Zyklon-B.


  1. Hey now... watch that Northeastern stuff. We "Red State" Pennsylvanians are offended. :)

    Nice Zyklon-B reference...

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    My best solution for CBull S is get rid or Katie Couric.

  3. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Thank God they are providing "solutions" because we just aren't as smart as they are.
