Friday, September 22, 2006

Fall Color? White...

Ah yes, the last day of summer, and I'm scraping snow off my windshield — one of the joys of mountain living I could probably do without. It takes me about a month to shift into winter gears. This winter, I'm going to replace some of my ratty winter stuff with the newest, lightest, stuff-that-doesn't-stink-like-a-dead-rat high-tech gear.

I've already shifted from the Summer Guns, my .380 Colt Mustang or Taurus J-frame .38 pocket pistols, to my Full-Time Gun, the SIGARMS 225.In truth...and maybe this is a result of overexposure to people like Walt Rauch, Chris Edwards and Frank James...I found myself carrying two guns more than I ever used to this summer. I'm pretty much a shorts and t-shirt sort of guy in the summer. Occasionally, I'll wear a gunbelt and carry the SIG in an Alessi belt holster, but if it was a local trip, but I usually found it easier to carry the SIG in a SafePackerthe absolutely best off-body carry system ever developed — then stuff one of the pocket pistols in...duh! pocket.

I think this is where the nasty little Bond Derringer really shines. It gives me the option of two rounds of .410 #3 buckshot as my opener, followed by lots of 9mm Hornady TAPS as the main act. On drives this summer, I carried the Bond, as I've mentioned before, in a crossdraw "driving holster" from Bond, with the SafePacker on the center console. I really like the .410 buckshot as a car-jacking deterence utility...10 pellets that'll cruise right through the door panels if necessary and buy me a little time.

Color me paranoid. OTOH, color me still here!

I'm thinking of getting a SIGARMS 239 so I can get LaserGrips on it. But who has the time?

And speaking of paranoid...I watched the first episode of Jericho, CBS' post-nuke family drama Wednesday night. Critics have already picked it as the show most likely to be cancelled first, because those mushroom clouds are creepy. At least Lost is set on a mysterious tropical island and people with hunky boys and girls inskimpy clothes, as opposed to rural Kansas peopled with Skeet Ulrich and Gerald McRainey in Carhardt drag.

Heck, I liked it, although the shots of that cloud occupying the space previously occupied by Denver was a bit unsettling. Aftewards, my Sweetie who was less than enthralled, asked me if I knew the blast radius of a Denver nuke off the top of my head...makes for downer dinner conversation! At least we're upwind...

My favorite part of the show was the town's lone ham radio operator/gun nut/paranoid...damn, that sounds familiar! I wonder why?


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I've found a solution to the daily annoyance of scraping snow/ice off your windshield in the winter. Depending on your personal circumstances, it may require quite a bit of work, but the payoff can be substantial. (1) Open garage door. (2) Dispose of enough stuff or stack it higher to create a space large enough for your vehicle. (3) Park car in garage at night.

    I know, it sounds crazy, but it really does work!! As a bonus, it also substantially shortens warm up time for the car in the morning......

  2. You are NOT married!

    Otherwise you would know that I have already done all of the above, and my Sweetie's Mini-Cooper resides happily in our one-car garage...

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Ya got me there, Michael!!
