Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gotta Be Said!

Am on Tinker Toy dial-up out in the provinces, but some things gotta be said after this week. Since on one else was saying them, I thought I should post:

1) Arm teachers. Works in Israel. Only way to stop this crap.

2) Hound the Mainstream Media in Acting like Friggin' Adults! It's time to call a whore a whore...hear that, Denver Post? YOU HAVE COMPLICITY IN THESE EVENTS, you miserable blood vampires.

3) Death for ALL Child Molesters...no deposit; no return. Hey, I don't care if you're a Congressman or not...no "rehab," no "reduced sentence." Death.

More later...


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Massad Ayoob wrote a very convincing article regarding arming teachers a few years back. I cannot lay my hands on it, so I cannot give a proper citation. It pointed out that the only time Israeli school children have been (data circa 1997-ish) killed in a "school shooting" style incident was when they took a field trip to a border area, the teacher was required to check his weapon, and the kids fell under sniper fire. As a former public school teacher, I thought his arguments were very salient. Mr. Ayoob usually writes with much sense and reason.

    The only real problem is that a great many people in education are amongst the people who really don't like the idea of carrying guns, and so they're the exact people who shouldn't be. However, if those who undertook the endeavor, fully understanding their responsibilities and obligations, carried concealed, then the wackos wouldn't know which seemingly innocuous schoolmarm was ready to drop them in their tracks.

    Tony S.

  2. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Findarticle says the original op-ed was in Wall Street Journal, May 24, 1999. He recapped his op-ed in the Oct 99 Guns Magazine.

  3. Hi Michael,
    I could not agree with you more. I am an educator and the same thought keeps running through my mind: concealed carry. I also sent you an e-mail about the .45 Auto Rim and the model 1955. Your post on the Auto Rim makes perfect since now. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Concealed carry my ass.

    Armed and aromored guards, with assault rifles are needed. Parent volunteers if needed. The teachers can CCW if they wish.

    If the public schools cannot get their security act together, they need to be shut down in favor of private schools and homeschooling.

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Just heard on the news that a Republican Congressman from Wis. has said he will try to introduce legislation allowing teachers to be armed after undergoing extensive gun training. At least someone has thrown the idea out there!

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    "Just heard on the news that a Republican Congressman from Wis. has said he will try to introduce legislation allowing teachers to be armed after undergoing extensive gun training. At least someone has thrown the idea out there!"

    That might be a step in the right direction, but I fear that by the time it became law, if it ever did, there would be so many restrictions/requirements as to be almost useless.
