Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kopel Says End of World Not Imminent...Thankfully

My friend Dave Kopel from the Independence Institute does a world-class job of handicapping Tuesday's election and outlining the implications for the Second Amendment in today's NRO:
Things look a lot better for the Second Amendment than they do for the Republican party. A race-by-race analysis of the Senate suggests that, while party control of the Senate could change, the Senate is very likely to retain a pro-gun working majority.
That's certainly good news, but we still need to haul our sorry butts out and vote Tuesday. As a libertarian of sorts, a Dem House and a Rep Senate seems like a formula for gridlock, which is a pretty good thing in my book. Maybe they'll give up annoying us and spend all their time (and our money) playing badminton.


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Nancy Pelletbrain just makes me want to vomit.
    I wouldn't count on "pro-gun demoncrats" to do anything in the Senate except what Hitlery tells them. She's probably already threatened to 'disappear their ass' at one time or another.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    If the Dems should get some wins, Perhaps Teddy could take Feinstein, Schumer, and Pelosi on a victory tour around some coastal highways: "Oh, look at all the pretty water..."
