Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Michael's Fashion Sense Savaged...Again!

Well hell, with Ed Bradley croaked and all, my Sweetie says I'm the last male person on national television with an earring...or, in my case, two earrings.

Over on the 1911 Forum, I'm being flayed alive for it, too:
The host has an EAR RING! not one of those stupid studs from the 80's, but a cartlige hoop at the top of his left ear. I dont mean to call into question a mans.... well manliness... but Comeon! Take it out for TV man!
I immediately forwarded the thread to some SEAL friends of mine who routinely wear earrings, because I don't want them embarrassed by any sexual ambiguities. They're very sensitive, doncha know...

I believe my sexual orientation was clarified in, if I remember correctly, The Weekly Standard, one of the bastions of conservative political thought, some years back, where it was mentioned in passing that even though I worked with the Pink Pistols on occasion, I was "straight." My Sweetie was certainly comforted by that, and I do believe I'm one of the few people in these politically correct times who has never had sex with a Congressional page, an alter boy or George Michaels, yet still have my sexual orientation discussed in a national arena.

I woulda posted something funny on the 1911 Forum, but despite my long-time membership there, I'm not being allowed to post! Maybe they're afraid I'll put my picture in their Classifieds...well, it's not the first time I've run afoul of 1911 types — Col. Cooper once told me to get my hair cut.

Anyway, here's what I would have posted on the 1911 Forum if they'd let me, an homage to Bruce Campbell's greatest role as Ash (as in the classic "This is my Boom-Stick!" image from the movie) in Army of Darkness...

Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the machine gun!

All in good fun...

Michael B


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    That is why you should visit Sigforum more! We don't really care what you look like, as long as you continue speak for the sport.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    MMMmmm...Bruce Campbell goodness.

    Oh, and getting upset by the earring is just silly. I only wonder why they are so bothered by it. Are they not secure enough in their own sexuality to handle watching a man on tv shoot guns because of an earring?

    These kinds of issues in men mystify me. Feel free to enlighten me if anyone can explain why these things bother some men so.

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    What's this? National Kick Little Mikey Bane Week? Tell them to go forward and multiply...just not in those words.


  4. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Apparently your fashion critics are wandering around major cities in condition white. There's enough hardware looped thru visible body parts in the under 30 males to at least anchor a Missouri-class battleship. They can't all be playing for the other side...


  5. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Whatcha want posted there?
    Let me know & it's there (long as it's manly & studly & hetero & all that).

  6. Michael, it seems if you can dress yourself, have manners, hold to any code of chivalry, and wear an earing, you must be gay. I have women ask me that on regular basis, I just respond am perfectly comfortable with my masculinity. Then they are sooo taken aback to learn that I shoot and carry actual guns. Not much is said about the 1911, but they think my Khar K-9 is cute.
