Thursday, January 25, 2007

This is MY Boomstick!

This from, via Alphecca:
Gun graffiti stumps university police
Stencils on walls, sidewalks

Stenciled paintings of red and blue guns are cropping up on walls and sidewalks on the University of Georgia campus, but the images probably aren't as ominous as they may seem.

The renderings don't appear to be the work of typical graffiti artists who spray-paint in freehand style, according to UGA police, who said the assault rifles and revolvers were stenciled onto walls, trash cans, sidewalks and other university property.

Some guns were accompanied by the word "boomstick," but UGA police said they don't know what the word means.

Boomstick - slang for shotgun - appears in a popular video game, "Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick," and also is the brand name for a high-end paintball gun barrel made of titanium.
Hey, if everybody read The Michael Bane Blog, they'd know these things!

I do admit, BTW, that I've had a vicious case of A.D.D.oh, look at the kitty! — this month...too much going on. I'm still in a whirl of contract negotiations that I thought would be wrapped up a long time ago. I'm also at the critical juncture for my web project, DOWN RANGE WITH MICHAEL BANE, right now just a placeholder.

We've gotten incredible response from the SHOT videos we've posted, which has certainly proven the concepts to my satisfaction; we've signed our contracts with a commercial video hosting service, and I'm hopeful of having a beta site open to the public by the end of next week. There are still a thousand questions to be answered, and I have come to hate the telephone. Plus I whacked my back again yesterday — this time pushing the damned snowblower up and down the drvieway! — and I'm hobbling around like an old man. I now purchase more Advil than your average urban hospital.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Cuz, Don't know so much about the ADD....may be senior moments you know. Hurting backs go hand in hand with that also. Just think I am younger than you and I have the same problems....LOL....anyway can't wait to see your new stuff. Love your BLOG...Have a good day!

  2. Rick;

    Just you a few years you're going to be OLD & PATHETIC just like me. So my doctor said, "What do you mean you pushed the snowblower up and down the driveway yesterday? Jeez, Michael...consider using your brain!"

    That's why I'm going snowboarding this weekend. To hell with it! I've got a heating pad!

    I think it's about time to get you into some kind of big boomer handgun, so you can get started on that carpel tunnel syndrome...lemme think on this...


  3. Okay, I've seen the Downrange TV Placeholder.

    This is my response: I like it!

  4. Sorry, my URL is too big. Here's a Tiny URL:
