Saturday, February 10, 2007

This is the Way the World Ends...

I liked this, from the LA Times:
So, yes, this column is about Anna Nicole Smith.

Friday morning, less than 24 hours after she died in a Florida hotel room, the Drudge Report — our media culture's digital arbiter of all things tacky and prurient — had 12 items posted on the onetime topless dancer. That would account for some of the media frenzy surrounding her death. It's a little-known fact, but certain sectors of the broadcast media have long believed that if a dozen items on Anna Nicole Smith ever were posted on Drudge simultaneously, it would herald the onset of the apocalypse.

Who knew? This is the way the world ends — neither with a bang nor a whimper but with cleavage.


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Who knew? This is the way the world ends — neither with a bang nor a whimper but with cleavage.

    What a way to go!!!

  2. Anonymous12:09 AM


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