Thursday, February 15, 2007

Told You So...


Remember how during the election we were reassured numerous times that the new Congress had no gun agenda; they the Dems have learned their lesson? The new improved AWB was introduced in the House yesterday. It's from everyone's friend Carolyn McCarthy:
In Philadelphia, a gunman opened fire on his colleagues using an AK-47 assault rifle he legally purchased. These dangerous weapons, which are intended to hit multiple targets in a short period of time, were allowed back on our streets when the federal ban on assault weapons expired in 2004. The deaths in Philadelphia could have been prevented if Congress had done its job of protecting the homeland and renewed the assault weapons ban.

I have again introduced legislation to permanently ban assault weapons. These weapons have no practical use. They are not used by hunters for sport or by individuals for self-defense. They are intended to kill as many individuals as possible in a short amount of time and have no place on our streets. The unfortunate situation in Philadelphia could have been avoided if Congress stood up to the gun lobby in 2004.
I'm really interested in seeing where this goes...will the newly minted pro-gun Dems stand their ground, or will they get down on their knees in front of the Pelosis and Kennedys. I wonder what the line in Vegas is on that bet???


  1. Anonymous10:20 AM

    3/1 it passes both houses and Bush signs it. Get'em while you can boys and girls. Gun owners only count during election seasons and black gun owners on count only on election day.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    While I'm not saying it's not a threat, some perspective is needed. Two days in and she still can't get a cosponsor. As my buddy Countertop has noted elsewhere, I'm sure the usual suspects will jump on eventually, but it's not like this has some overwhelming support in the House to move. Be aware, but don't panic yet.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I got my AK-47 when the ban was active. I really miss the bayonet lug though. But wait, the original AK-47 didn't have a bayonet lug. That feature was introduced a few years after the original design. No flash hider on the original AK-47 either: also a later addition.

    So McCarthy is either ignorant or lying about the federal ban that expired stopping any of this.

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    The dimorats said they would only bring "reasonable" gun control. Like banning nasty black rifles, closing gun shows and national registration, a la Canada. Now that's "reasonable" isn't it?

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    If the only purpose of an "assault rifle" is to kill as many people as possible, why in the world are they issued to police officers?

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    re "purpose" and LE, Your comment shows your lack of understanding is exceeded only by your need to make snide comments.

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    From what I read it was a semiautomatic pistol in philly, not an assault rifle.

  8. Anonymous12:14 AM

    For those that don't know, McCarthy's husband was killed and son terribly wounded by a nutjob on a Long Island [NY] commuter train late one evening. Although I can understand her pain, she does not realize that the draconian anti-gun laws in New York prevented any other commuter from defending the rest of the riders. Fortunately, some of the riders recognized the break in the firing when the shooter stopped to reload[I think he had two pistols] and overpowered the fool. Who then went on to act as his own lawyer at the trial; he's in prison until he's worm food. OldeForce

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    "re 'purpose' and LE, Your comment shows your lack of understanding is exceeded only by your need to make snide comments."

    I don't know, it seems he made a good point. If these things are just murdering machines, which they are not, then why would anyone need one (or more), be they a civilian cop or a civilian citizen?

    BTW, if/when something like this passes and is signed into law, guess who gets to enforce it. LEOs, of course, and while I have no doubt some will refuse to do so, most will willingly follow orders. If this happens, LEOs will be placed in a most unenviable position: damned if they do, and unemployed if they don't.

  10. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Here we go again.....

    And what does she mean hunters don't use "assault rifles"? As a coyote hunter I'd be lost without my AR-15....

  11. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Carolyn McCarthy's Congressional District has the highest number of Pistol Licenses of any district in NY State. Yet she continually gets Re Elected!

  12. Anonymous7:58 PM

    What these Washington "idiots" don't
    realize is that the average gun owner IS the neighbor-hoods and Americas last line of self-defence. The cops and military are not going to be there when something happens!

  13. Anonymous12:46 AM

    It was an AK pistol the gunman used, though you certainly don't expect the good legislator from New York to differentiate between AK types - they're ALL eeeevil nasty killing machines to her... And it was a plain old Ruger semiauto pistol that killed her husband and 5 others, and wounded 19 more on a New York train - hence her attempt to re-instate the ban on pistol magazines holding more than 10 rounds. May this bill die the ignominous death it deserves.

  14. Anonymous7:01 PM

    " If this happens, LEOs will be placed in a most unenviable position: damned if they do, and unemployed if they don't."

    There is a third "position" that some of them will assume: dirt nap.

  15. Well Zumbo has a supporter in our ranks . I think he needs to pick the side of the 2nd supporters and know that an attack on any gun is an attack on all. Before he looses his sponsors........
