Thursday, September 06, 2007

A Great Day at the Range....

...I can't tell you about!

Couple of weeks, you guys (and guyettes) get to see everything...keep watching DOWN RANGE! Sounds like the end of one of those old science fiction movies, doesn't it? Keep watching the skies, America!

The good news is, of course, is that FRED THOMPSON IS FINALLY RUNNING FOR PREZ! What a surprise...a Republican who actually believes in the Second Amendment! A Republican who doesn't consider the gun culture — that would be us — as either the loony uncle in the closet or, at best, an afterthought. I tried watching the Republican "debates," but with the exception of Ron Paul it looked like a bunch of dwarves in search of a Snow White. I wouldn't willingly choose one of those guys to change the oil in my car.

In news from my local "share the earth with all creatures great and small" crusade, earlier this week the lion that lives in my neighborhood took down an adult horse who was apparently trying to practice the live and let live philosophy so often espoused by Boulder County residents. The lion. of course, only wanted dinner, unfortunately far too close to my house! I figure a kitty kat who can bring down a big horse is a formidable animal, maybe a coupleof hundred pounds. Paging Mr. Casull! My deal still stands...I see it, I shoot it.


  1. A couple of large fish hanging in a tree ought to get kitty to where you can see her.

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Then a Ruger 10/22 magnum would leave him "purring in kitty heavan".

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Good news indeed that Fred finally took the plunge. He is the only choice (from the 2 major parties anyway) for gun owners. Ron Paul honestly does not stand a chance, but Fred can do this. We should all get behind this man if we do not want another 4 to 8 years of another Clinton in the White House.

    As for the cat, shoot the SOB! Any cat that can bring down a horse is not something I want to be living next to.

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    It is good that Thompson is finally in. He has his work cut out for him. Rudy is popular and a name brand for Republicans. Yet, it should not be hard for Thompson to show how Rudy is a RINO. I look forward to the show.

  5. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Can anyone here read this:

    and seriously say that Fred Thompson SUPPORTS gun rights? Don't let him fool you, he doesn't give jack sh!t about regular people like us owning guns.

    If we ALL start supporting Ron Paul, then he DOES have a chance!

  6. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Here is the whole link.

    You have to paste it all together in your browser window.

  7. Ron Paul is a great guy...he does not have a snowball's chance in hell...

    Play the odds...


  8. Anonymous2:27 AM

    OK, call me a wuss or whatever, but I do not understand why you guys want to kill the cougar. If you wanted to eat the animal, that would be one thing. (I have heard from a couple of knowledgable sources that nothing is tastier than mountain lion.) But I am not sure that is what you are thinking.

    If the lion had attacked/stalked somebody that would be something different too. If the lion is strong enough to bring down a healthy horse, then it does not seem to fit the profile of the marginalized, sick lion that is supposedly typical of those that attack people.

    Why would one want to move to the wilderness, if he just wants to take the wild out of it? If one just wants to get away from neighbors, maybe he could go build on a golf course. Wilderness has much more value to me than a municipal game animal farm, or forested city park.

    I cannot understand killing any living thing without a necessary or good purpose, e.g., food--but not gluttony for the fat-assed).
    I love guns and I love hunting, but killing is the one part of the hunt that I do not enjoy, although I recognize it is a neccarry part, especially if diet is the end purpose of my hunt. I do not respect nor trust those people who take pleasure in killing for killing's sake. (Actually, I do not trust *anybody*.) And as already implied, I disagree with those who would seem to make the outdoors one big "safe" Disneyland adventure park.

    Another perhaps valid case for taking out the cat occurred to me: If there are other horses that are threatened, and they are a neceassary part of someone's livelihood or family, and there is not another practical means of protecting them, then I can see disposing of the lion. (Somebody just be sure to eat her up.)

    I believe we are ordained stewards of this earth and all its resources, and that if we waste them on our lusts and largess we will anwer to God for it. (I believe those who are atheists can also constuct an ethos for this.) I also believe some unspoiled wilderness is essential to our spiritual and possibly physical well-being.

    Alright, I realize I do not have all the facts in this case.

    (Those of you who read this sermon in its entirety can consider church attendance optional today.)

  9. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Ron Paul is a LOON! He wants to cut and run, and stated that it was Americas policies that caused 911.


  10. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Shoot the cat... period!
