Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Michael Needs a Clone...

...sounds like one of the new Bruce Springsteen songs, doesn't it? Did I ever mention I had a profound romantic hand-holding moment at a BS concert back when the Boss still played small rooms, and years and years later I read about it in Vanity Fair? I'm glad it was good for her, too. Yes! My memories have just been sold!

Anyhow, I'm so friggin' swamped I can't believe it. Am on the way to the IDPA Nationals in Allentown this Friday — if you're shooting, stop by and say Hi-Dee Ho! Then two trips next week. Then another profound romantic moment, this time a whole weekend with my Sweetie in Santa Fe and Taos. Forget that Springsteen concert crap...this is the Real Thing! With world class Mexican food to boot!

The reason I'm behind is the USFS Greenies keep taking up more of my time. I can't go into the whole thing now, but you guys will absolutely be stunned at their latest escapades...really, I can't make this stuff up! Tomorrow we drop some registered letters on big time D.C. desktops, which ought to be like smacking the hornet's nest with a big ole Louisville Slugger...I'll keep you posted. I may also need you to provide cover fire, as I continue to Win Friends and Influence People!

Had a wonderful lunch with Stephen Hunter today at the ever-ritzy Brown Palace Hotel in Denver. We talked guns, guns and more guns, and a little bit about swords. At last night's reading from the 47th Samurai, which is officially on all the best-sellers' lists now, my Sweetie sat next to me and whispered in my ear, "No swords! No! No! No!" Steve gave unequivocally the most eloquent, more reasoned description of being a "gun guy" that I have ever heard. I especially like the way the People's Republic of Boulder crowd started tensing up, especially when he said his favorite reading materials are gun magazines. Thanks, brother!

More from Allentown, where they're tearing all the factories down...or whatever the hell Billy Joel said...

OH, AND A BIG P.S. — we have a special interview with Steve for next week's DOWN RANGE podcast, and we'll be giving away a signed copy of 47th Samurai to one lucky member of the DOWN RANGE FORUM! You want the book, you've got to sign up for the DOWN RANGE Forums,. which happen to be the most lucid, best gun forums on the Internet, and post at least one post to be eligible. I'm throwing in a bunch of copies of my novel, ALL NIGHT RADIO, as consolation prizes, BTW...


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'll make the contest simpler... Just send the books to me.

  2. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Mr. Springteen is now singing anti-bush war songs.
    He's no longer my 'Boss'.


  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Until an actual republican replaces ALL of the district Rangers with people from the Timber office, this crap will continue.
