Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Few Clarifying Points...

...on photos that may or may not be appearing on the Internet in the next few days:
1) It wasn't my feather boa.
2) The feather boa in question belonged to TLLF* (The lovely Lisa Farrell).
3) Yes, she really did win an award for "Best Saloon Floozy."
4) I did not imitate Elvis.
5) It's not a felony.
And a good time was had by all!

More later...


  1. Anonymous1:03 AM


    This pic must be a Cutie ~ ; - )

  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Well, I wasn't there either.

    ... where should we be looking for these incriminating pitchers ?

  3. This thread is useless without pictures!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    ellis4538 said...

    "Thou protesteth too much me thinks"!!!

  5. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Wow sounds like my Friday night, boa included.

  6. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Michael, I see where the second coming of the Winchester M-70 has been announced. Have any pithy thoughts on the subject, such as a comparison of recent sales numbers of the FNH "tactical" rifles versus the last year of the New Haven plant production?

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I was there. The boa was cute and matched his outfit so well! Now where is that camera?
