Monday, December 24, 2007

The No-Jitter Christmas Eve


I am indeed done with my Christmas shopping, have successfully weathered three out of four Christmas parties, shoveled most of the Giganto Drift out of the driveway and have lovingly watched all 13-plus hours of the extended version of Lord of the Rings with my Sweetie, which I do every Christmastime. I always choke up on the "There may come a day when the courage of men fail..."

I'm going to do a limited podcast for the day after Christmas...I think I'm going to talk about gun books. I would have liked to have gone out and done some shooting — I've got one of the new Ruger Charger 10/22 pistols and a flawless Nighthawk Custom Richard Heinie special 1911 to run some rounds through — but here in Global Warming World, it has been cold, cold, cold, temperatures dipping down to zero and a simply brutal wind screaming over the Continental Divide. We're all sleeping in earplugs to put a dent in the freight train roar of the wind.

In any case, I wish for all of you the peace of the season.

Take a moment tonight and remember the men and women in far-flung places who serve us isn't snowing in Baghdad, but I pray our soldiers know our hearts are with them this night and all nights.

Merry Christmas...and peace.


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Merry Christmas.

  2. Anonymous7:36 PM


    I just recieved this from a friend, it's a great song by one of our soldiers in "the sand box."

    It'll tug at your heartstrings.

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Where are you staying at that it is so cold and windy?
