Sunday, December 02, 2007

No More Pickles Before Bedtime!

I had zombie nightmares last night...I can't understand why. Usually my nightmares involved running to airports, missed flights, suitcases that won't stay packed, the usual travel stuff. But last night was Full Bore Zombie.

I have to say some of the cinematography was absolutely excellent. One scene in particular was striking...the zoms were swarming out of south Manhattan and had fallen upon some big NYC parade. The parade continued moving north, but becoming less Thanksgiving Day floats and more flesh-eating demons from hell as the zoms worked their way forward. By the time the parade hit midtown, it was being led by a herky-jerky little girl with a cheerleader's baton and blood dripping from her jaws. The cool part was that I could hear millions of cell phones ringing as the remaining people in south Manhattan called their friends at the parade and told them to run, followed by a sweeping Jerry Bruckheimer helicopter shot of the crowd breaking like a wave, which ended focus on the herky-jerky kid and the wall of zombies behind her. Cool!

When I woke up, I was holed up in some top-floor loft looking out the window over scenes of incredible George Romero carnage.

I wish I could remember exactly what I ate...I'd like to know how it ends. BTW, my college squeeze Glenda had a cameo — she got an in-the-crowd close-up and a scream before she was fallen upon and consumed.


  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    So, how late into the night did you play that "De-Animator" zombie killing game? LOL.

  2. Man, I'm jealous. I love a good zombie dream. Best one I had contained trained formations of zombies coming in literal carpets off the back of huge black Stratolifters.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I think that post officially constitutes crossing the Writers Guild picket lines...

  4. I also had zombie nightmares every night so that's perfect because they in my dreams reveal me different things I think that zombies and I are totally related, so I didn't understand why that's happening.m10m
