Monday, February 11, 2008

Frozen Pipes

Yeech. Today was the day I was going to get baxck in the harness and start blogging seriously. Instead, I'm out in the freakin' tundra dealing with frozen water pipes. We're chipping through the permafrons — thank GOD AND AL GORE for Global Warming — to find where the town failed to sink the pipes deep enough...yes, we left the faucets running...didn't make a bit of difference!


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    MB--80 degrees and sunny here in miami today--a great boat show and RM classic car auction weekend coming up--come on down, visit, shoot, warm up, and thaw out with us!!! dmd

  2. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Just don't let Al Gore come to town or Miami will have snow!

  3. It's an important topic, the Global Warming has been raising my curiosity and Al Gore is a good exponent about it because he's a warrior against the ignorance and we can't avoid his efforts. 23jj
