Saturday, March 08, 2008

Alyson Hannigan Woship!

FCC Okays Nudity On TV If It’s Alyson Hannigan

She'll always be Willow to me!


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    NUFF SAID!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I've maintained she has unrecognized hotness ever since the evil Willow episodes of Buffy..Most specifically the ones where she was wearing the black leather.

    But that's just me.

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Missed the black leather. Damn!

    This one time, at band camp . . .

    Actually, I thought the end of AP#1 was best -

    Say my name!
    - face slap -
    Say my name, bitch!!!

    And that was Alyson saying it!

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Definitely the Black Leather!! YOWS-ER!!

  5. The episodes you are referring to are Buffy Season 3 episode 9-The wish-and episode 16-Doppelgangland. Both episodes have evil vampire willow and IMHO show Alyson at her hottest. Also Doppelgangland has some of Alysons funniest moments-like "I think I'm kinda gay" and "Oh,would you look at those!" when she wears vampire willows push-up leather top.
