Monday, May 19, 2008

We're Getting Prickly!

The new personal defense series for Quarter 1 2009 is officially green-lighted!

And I'm pleased to announce that SHOOTING GALLERY regular Walt Rauch, the author of THE REAL WORLD — What Has Worked for Me, PRACTICALLY SPEAKING — The Guns, Game and Gear of IDPA, founder of both USPSA and IDPA and one of the most respected self-defense authorities in the world will be a regular on the new show!


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    WOW, What a coup! Mr Walt Rauch as a regular. I am impressed and absolutely will be watching.

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Kudo's Michael on a fine addition to SG! I met Walt several years ago while working a GSSF match at our local club. When our RO duties concluded at days end Walt treated us to a demonstration in teaching shooters proper trigger control. Walt's the real deal, a gentlemen, and one truly creative instructor!

  3. YES!!! Now to get those "Prickly Man" T-shirts printed up!

  4. Good job, glad this is working out!

  5. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Can't wait! How about previews.

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I hope this show is better than that dog of a show Personal Defense TV. It sucked. I look forward to the new shot and Mr. Rauch will be a great addition as others have pointed out. Should be a cool show. Can't wait.

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This is gonna be a great show. We need a good show on personal defense. About time. Thanks for the udpate.
