Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Gun Control Is GOOD!


Anonymous said...

That's what interviewed prisoners all say. How the H do we get the "blind" to see it? Anti gunners-BAH HUMBUG!!! the mushroom

Anonymous said...

Never fear, Obama will appeal to the criminals and terrorists and ask them to join the us in disarming. After a few bars of Kumbayah, we will all live together in harmony. I think he learned how to do this during his vast working experience in the corrupt Chicago political machine.

TooCoolForSchool said...

Yeah, I would love to see the statistics on how many gun-owners safely and effectively deterred a potential threat to their being or their loved ones by owning a gun. Then I would like to see the statistics on how many of these people ended up having their own weapon turned back on them or accidentally turned on a loved one. Is it worth it?? I feel incredible unsafe in a home where guns are not kept in a locked cabinet. I do not trust the intelligence and emotional stability of the general populace to own and use these weapons so freely.

Anonymous said...

Yo, TooCool,
My advice, stay out of homes where guns are not kept in locked cabinets. It's your choice and I support your right to make it. My guns are in a locked cabinet when I'm away so some worthless punk doesn't steal them. When I'm home, the cabinet's open in case the punk wanders in.

You can look up all those stats on the web. Have fun.

BTW, I'm most comfortable with a 12 gauge by the bed. My choice. It's called liberty. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Finally! A video that makes sense! I am scared for those people who have guns in their home, because of the risk of someone else getting control of it. I tried to start the same movement with motor vehicles, as too many people are being killed by vehicles being used against them. I live in an automobile-free home, just for the safety of my family!! Oh, and we also got rid of the shaving razors, knives, forks, pencils, and toothbrushes--all of which can be deadly in the wrong hands... [grin]

Anonymous said...

A vote for "O"bama can help make this happen to the WHOLE United States!! Make criminals happy along with screwing up America!! Vote "O"bama and you WILL!!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/the 12 guage beside the bed person. Me too! Guns have been a choice of my family for years. I was brought up learning how to hunt, fish, trap, and shoot responsibly. I think the two key words there were "choice, and responsibly." No one is going to take mine away. Legal actions to increase Gun Control will only hender the law-abiding citizen. We're not the ones doing the killing, and the others are going to find ways to get their guns illegally anyway. Go ahead and vote for Obama and see what happens to our rights! Not me!


The Utah Sublett's said...

I have over 8 guns in my home. They are all, but one, locked in the gun cabinet. I have a 8 year old son, who at 7, shot his first deer and brought home food to his family, at 5 he got his first gun. It is about knowledge and how you teach your children. It is the children and people who have never been taught be thier parents, and whom have learned what they know about guns from the internet who cause the fear for me. Educate yourselves. It is an american right to bear arms and protect yourself. God Bless America

Anonymous said...

I have guns and I expect to keep them no matter who is elected president in Nov.. I'm not as concerned about the Democrats taking my guns as I am about the all the other stupid things the Republicans have done for the last 8 years.. i.e. IRAQ, De-regulation of Securities Trading leading the economic meltdown, the Katrina Fiasco, runaway oil prices, and on and on and on and on.. a vote fopr McCain is a vote for more stupidity (guns or no guns)...

Annie Oakley said...

As a female gun owner with a concealed handgun license, NO ONE will take away my right to bear arms and protect my home and family!! Being raised in the west, guns were common and at times a neccessity. Proper safety and education were taught from day one. The folks you need to be worrying about are the thugs who illegally acquire guns and do the raping, stealing and killing of the innocent people of our country. A vote for Obama is a vote for the thugs and against the legal arms bearing decent folks of the good ole USA.

Edo River said...

If you want to shoot someone, join the jihad army, or the US army, or become a mercenary in Africa

Anonymous said...

getoutofiraq - wow was that post ignorant! I think you need look back at history and see how we came to this financial crisis. It all started with Clinton and his (and others) systematic dismantling of the Steagal Act which if left intact would have protected us from this crisis. There is ALOT of blame to be had on this one, but it all started with Clinton. IF you remember, Bush AND McCain warned 3 years ago that if Congress didn't do something we would be heading for major trouble. So then what did the Liberal Congress do...NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

It annoys the hell out of me that NRA supporters insist on deliberately framing the argument as if 'gun control' means 'no guns'. That is complete and utter nonsense. Gun control will not mean that the average person won't be allowed a shotgun or .22 to go hunting with. Places like Scandinavia and Australasia have strict 'gun control' laws but also have some of the highest rates of gun ownership (and lowest rates of gun related deaths).

I don't see anyone whining about having to get a drivers license - is it really so onerous to require people to obtain a firearms license before they are allowed to own something as dangerous as a gun?

I have never seen anyone argue intelligently on that issue. All we ever hear is "you can pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". Or "I need my sub machine gun in case the government turns rogue on us". The gun side always seems to react so emotionally to even the most reasonable sorts of rules placed on gun ownership.

What's the big deal? Is it really going to ruin your deer hunting trips if you aren't allowed to own an ouzi?

badboy said...

Do you ever notice that no matter WHAT gun control laws are written, put into law, supported by any person in the United States, that criminals still have guns...Why not enforce the exisiting laws that prohibit criminals from having guns and quit writing more....Besides how does restricting ANY gun stop criminals from having them...Keep in mind that guns are built and even if criminals can't buy them and they aren't supposed to be able to anyway, they can build them...To say nothing about the jawbones of asses....Read your bible....

Dustin said...

Love it!

YSoSerious said...

Anonymous makes a lot of references to what he "sees", though I must admit I'm still trying to figure out what an "ouzi" is (If, perchance, you're struggling to reference the Uzi submachine gun, you might want to try looking up the spelling before posting. It was named after the inventor, an Israeli named Uzi Gal. Oh, and just FYI, fully automatic weapons are heavily restricted by the National Firearms Act, and are very, very expensive. Not exactly the kind of firearm one hunts with.)

Hate to break it to you, but you haven't seen much. You don't get to define "reasonable", especially when someone's constitutionally guaranteed rights are in question. Even if it does annoy the hell out of you.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that your spewing a bunch of leftist nonsense on the Internet annoys the hell out of me. Exactly what restrictions on your First Amendment rights would all you liberal Dems be comfortable with? Would licensing you be enough, or would we need to register your computers as well? And what if you have one of those fancy, new, high-powered, dual-core "assault" laptops? Should there be a special ban on those, so you can't post anything too quickly, or to too wide an audience, before the "proper authorities" can get you back under control?

Yeah, I know, words aren't dangerous, right? Tell that to William Randolph Hearst, who started a war with a newspaper article. And you thought GWB was a villain, did you? Try reading some history ...

The simple fact is, as several have pointed out already, that laws are for the law-abiding. If the massive increase in firearm related crimes in England since they've pretty much banned private possession of guns hasn't helped you all to figure that out, then I don't know what to do for you.

Maybe it's time to increase your meds? ...

Cowboy Blob said...

If I may add to the open gun safe debate: I have this argument all the time with my best friend. He keeps his open while he's at home; me? I keep mine locked all the time until I need something inside. I keep a loaded pistol or two (with reloads) outside the safe (I have no inquisitive yard apes in my house) within easy reach. My rationale is that if I suffer a home invasion, I can fight or leave... either way, I do not leave behind an open treasure trove of guns, ammo, and savings bonds if I'm dead or running down the street like a striped-assed ape.

Anonymous said...

ALL gun control laws only affect LAW ABIDING citizens. The criminals don't care about the LAW! Best bet for everyone is required licensing for all weapons, the violation of which would be a FELONY (instead of current misdemeanor in California).

That way, when anyone is stopped with an unlicensed gun, they go to prison!

Keeps guns in the hands of those who are law abiding and out of the hands of non-law-abiding.

Anonymous said...

[Edo River said...
If you want to shoot someone, join the jihad army, or the US army, or become a mercenary in Africa

If you've ever taken a hunter safety course or a personal protection class, you would know that lawful gun owners do not want to shoot anyone. They own and carry guns so they can defend themselves if they have to, against criminals who do want to shoot someone.

Gun safety classes should be required for everyone in America. It has been proven that people fear what they don't understand, whether it's guns or advanced calculus.

Then, give everyone above voting age a gun. That levels the playing field. Criminals will think twice about breaking into anyone's home or trying to rape anyone, because they know their intended victim probably has their gun handy.

Anonymous said...

Someone made the asinine 'apples to oranges' comparison of gun licensing with driver's licensing. The FEDERAL CONGRESS doesn't regulate driver's licenses -- sovereign states do. Similarly, they have no right to regulate gun ownership, either. What is it about "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

As far as the gov't 'turning rogue' on us and 'being allowed' to own a .22, that's the whole point. Try studying a little history. We just fought a war with the greatest military on earth to win our independence. The founders wanted to make certain that if all other checks and balances fail, we could do it again if absolutely necessary.

Anonymous said...

Regarding advocating licensing for gun owners...THINK about that. The government will have your address, your name ( of course), how many guns you have, what types.

Freedom of Information will allow those lists to be published (they have done that to Concealed Carry holders in various states) anyone wanting to steal a gun, knows just where to go. OR any employer who decides they do not want to hire a "gun nut" knows who to fire or just not hire to start with. OR your next door neighbors start to treat you like you MIGHT be a danger to the neighborhood...

Gun wouldn't happen.


One does not have to go back too far in US history to see where that leads....remember Katrina? The mayor of New Orleans had the Sherrif and National Guard going house to house to confiscate weapons.

Amazingly the only people left armed were those that had either (wisely) failed to register or those who were of criminal intent to start with. The law abiding where left defensless by those sworn to protect them (again).

Anonymous said...

Funny, but the point is misplaced.

Most gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves, a friend or family member than a criminal. Or get shot by their own gun.

So gun safety and gun training is paramount.

And tougher laws for crimes committed with guns.

Including theft of guns - which is where criminals get guns.

YSoSerious said...

"Most gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves, a friend or family member than a criminal. Or get shot by their own gun."

Oh Lord please, not that old lie again!

The Kellerman "study" ("A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to ..." blah blah blah) has been debunked by more respectable criminologists at this point then I'll even bother to count. It was horrendously flawed, horribly slanted, and relentlessly peddled by an anti-gun media bent on convincing a gullible population that "Guns are baaad! ..."


Reputable studies from non-biased sources put the number of defensive gun uses annually in the country in the neighborhood of 2.5 million.

Even if you lump all so-called "gun deaths" together, as the Brady Bunch commonly does, combining homicides, suicides and accidents as if they were somehow related, they would amount to about 40k, and are dwarfed by the defensive uses (2.5 mil.), the number of gun owners (80 mil. +), and the number of guns (300 mil. +).

Perhaps the gun grabbers need to learn a little simple artithmatic before they embark on "studies" and "research"? ...

Anonymous said...

did any of you right wing neo-cons even research obama on gun control. well i did. he stated that he has no problem with law abiding people and sportsmen have guns. it is the criminals who have access to guns that bothers him. i know all you n.r.a. card carring, (oh, they are going to put the foot in the door and take my guns), fanatics hate him because he is not a republican. but, if we have another nazi, (er. sorry it slipped), republican for four more years. we might have to use those guns on each other. some look forward to that. not me. btw, i am democrate and i am c.p.l. with many guns. long live the 2nd ammendment and (not being told how to think), freedom.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why the Democrats or people to the left cannot just state their opinion about an issue without using degrading terms of others Anonymous, why can you not disagree without being disagreeable and full of venum for your fellow Americans!!

Anonymous said...

For the democrates (sp) out there. The second amendment has absolutely nothing to do with hunting bambi. It doesn't even address the ability to defend ones self from criminals, as that was a given when the constitution was written. The second amendment was incorporated because the founders feared a strong federal government, and a standing military which could be used against the people. The concept that every man (and woman) be armed was that since the common man at that time, had access to the same weaponry as the military, they could turn back a government intent on turning the people into serfs. You might want to argue that since the fire power of the military is far greater than that of the average civilian, that we would not have a chance. The fact however is that if the people started fighting back against a government attempting to take over, a great many of the military would join with the patriots against the tyrants, Mr Clinton was famous for his 29 Palms survey where he asked a marine core base, if he told them to disarm the American public with deadly force, would they follow his orders. 80 pct said that they would not follow those orders. What is scary is the 20 pct that said they would. If those of you who favor gun control would like to see the outcome, just look to England, where it is now illegal to commit the crime of self defense. The far left courts have ruled that being a criminal is a valid occupation, and they have the right not to have to fear retaliation at the hands of the victims. A world war two vet was attacked by 3 young thugs, after he and his wife were beaten, he managed to get to his "illegal" infield rifle, and shoot one of them in the leg. The courts helped the thugs to sue the man as he had impaired their occupation (the thug could no longer run), and that defending himself and his beaten wife was not a reason for using deadly force on a criminal.

The supreme court has determined, that the police have absolutely no legal requirement to protect you. You are on your own, because if they happen to stop for donuts, or to issue a parking ticket while you are being robbed, rapped, or murdered, that simply is to bad for you. You, or your survivors can not sue them, nor can you do anything for their lack of response.

When seconds count, the police will be there in minutes.

Anonymous said...

For toocoolforschool

Your irrational fear of guns is a phobia. It is much like the fear of heights, the fear of being outside, or many other irrational fears. It can in fact be cured, which would then enable you to live a much saner life, much more in tune with reality.

I would suggest that you find a friend who has firearms and let him take you to the range and teach you the proper use of firearms. I have cured many people afflicted with your mental disease over the years, including a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News.

Much of your phobia comes from watching to many inane movies where fire arms are used in ways which defy the laws of physics.

Instead of frying your brain with such phobia inducing programs, you might try to find a school where you could get a real education, and learn the facts concerning the constitution, and American History.

That way, you might not only lose your phobia, but also find a job that does not require you to say.. "Can I supersize that"

Anonymous said...

Effectively, there's only one question with respect to "gun control" and laws that restrict gun ownership and use. The question is simple:

Do I have the right to defend myself and my family?

If I have the *right* to defend myself, then that right automatically grants me access to the means of defense. That means guns and the right to carry one.

The purpose of the police is not to protect me, and a multitude of court cases have established that the police have no duty to protect or defend me. It isn't their job.

Therefore, if I have the right to defend myself and my family, I have the right to arm myself and both "keep" and "bear" the means of my self defense.

It's that simple.

Everything else is just noise and the state's desire to have an unarmed and servile populace.

Anonymous said...

Go girl!! Michael Bane tells it as it is - right on!

I live in Australia where we are deprived to protect ourselves and the Crime rate is increasing. The Press not even reports that our crime rate is worse that of the US. So the "no guns / weapons" policy for citizens does not work!

Anonymous said...

As michael Anderson has said here, the 2nd ammendment has nothing to do in its intent, with hunting or defense against crime.
What worries me is when the collapse comes ( and the Gov seems to be preparing for it, with the army now being deployed in the US "in case of an emergency", the pain ray trucks they are building and ordering, "the non lethal weapons" that only kill sometimes, the skinhead police that are so cowardly they have to arm and armor themselves to absurdity to serve a search warrant), when it comes, what will we do? Did anyone resist in New Orleans when the Sheriff decided that he'd confiscate all legal weapons from the populace- totally illegally? Has anyone sued them over this? There was no resistance, just some angry words. And now we just spout angry or hopeless words and talk of hiding from it.Hiding might work, but I doubt it. We are just too soft and cerebral to actually do what is necessary to resist what they have in store for us. We are not like the people of Palestine or Iraq or Afghanistan or Viet Nam that fight tanks with stones, if necessary, against oppression and occupation, and keep doing it for years. And they are winning! It might not look like it but they are winning because no amount of force or high tech weapons or lies have been able to defeat them. The people in South America come down from the hills and throw the Government out when they go to far. They keep fighting. What do we do? We are cowards. We can't really believe this is happening - so we talk.
The founders of this country knew the evil of government and tried to design one that would hold itself in check. Knowing that it couldn't do this forever, they asserted the right, for all time, for the people to be armed against this eventual tyranny. We still have that right even with the Government's eforts to demonize and to regulate and ultimately suspend it. I think that what we need right now to prevent what is planned for us is a major grassroots movement for people to arm themselves,and be ready to defend the Constitution and Bill of rights, and themselves, against all enemies.
I hate that this is what it is coming to. I love peace and want it more than anything. I have avoided violence most of my life but the time has come. We either get serious or we will be chewed up.
Everyone should go right out and buy a weapon and some ammunition whle you still can. Can you imagine the effect this would have? This would surely be noticed by the powers that be. They couldn't do a damn thing about it. Millions of people suddenly, simply, arm them selves. No threats, no violence no waving guns around- just buy one even if you hate the idea. Stick it in your closet if you want, though it would be a good idea to learn how to load it and shoot it- and be safe about it- and do it legally.
Millions of people are already armed, but a sudden surge in gun purchases would really make the New World Orderers take notice.
Last week I bought a legal AK-47 and 700 rounds of ammunition for about the cost of a cheap washer and dryer.
This is our last and only right that could prevent total oppression and tyranny- without firing a shot.

Anonymous said...

These people that talk about how well gun control and bans work in another Country, just need to move away to one of those "safety zones".

The 2nd Amendment has Nothing to do with hunting or sports.

I'm a police officer, so I can tell you that we keep arresting the same violent criminals that the Courts and elected officials won't keep locked up.

I was in Katrina, as I live less than 10 miles from New Orleans, and it was the Democrat Mayor and Governor that screwed up the worst in that deal, so don't get political with me and Obama sucks, not because he's a democrat. Obama sucks for many reasons, the first is that he has a solid anti 2nd Amendment voting record, and that fails him in my book.
You have to wonder why any elected official would want to disarm the general public, and the answer is that "they want Power".
Criminals don't obey the law, and our Courts don't punish them anymore.
I hate the term "gun crime", as I think that ANY violent crime should be punished the same.
A Deputy that I once worked with was murdered by a criminal with a stolen truck, he ran over her, then using the rear view mirror, he backed up over her to make sure she was dead.
Why should he not be punished the same as someone that would have shot her?
His actions were even more thought out and required more time and action than pulling a trigger a couple of times, and I don't hear anyone wanting to ban cars..... or even stolen ones.
That's right, it's already illegal to have a stolen car, but criminals don't care about our laws.
I'm tired of all the Passive limp wristed people that want a "Sissy Nation", you need to move to a place like Paris!!

Anonymous said...

to those that say we need a license to own a gun since we need one to drive a car, well, FYI, driving is a privlage, regulated by the Govt. It is not covered in the Constitution.
The right to own and use guns is covered in the Constitution, it is called the 2nd admendment, and among other things it says "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" in case you do not understand what infringe means, here is the definition
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): in·fringed; in·fring·ing
Etymology: Medieval Latin infringere, from Latin, to break, crush, from in- + frangere to break — more at break
Date: 1513
transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another.

So, any gun control law is in violation of the 2nd Admendment, since it specifically states, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd ammendment is already being infringed on... Are you allowed to own nuclear weapons? No, not even Russia can. Are you allowed, by your sacred 2nd ammendment, to purchase an RPG, M60, or even an AK at Wal Mart? definetly not.

No one wants to completely disarm the populous. I support a license to get anything other than a bolt action rifle, and stricter gun laws. That is the way to reduce gun violence, yet it still allows law-abiding citezens to carry a Desert Eagle.

I'm not affiliated with any political party, as I could vote for Ron Paul or Obama. But, I feel all law-abiding people should have the right to own a weapon (with proper training).

sn1per said...

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more
than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:

List of 7 items:

1. Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent

2. Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent

3. Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

4. In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!

5. While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

6. There has also been a dramatic increase in break- ins and assaults of the ELDERLY.

7. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won’t see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note my fellow Americans, before it’s too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are ‘citizens’.
Without them, we are ’subjects’.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends.

Anonymous said...

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more
than $500 million dollars. The first year results are now in:

List of 7 items:

1. Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent

2. Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent

3. Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

4. In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!

5. While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

6. There has also been a dramatic increase in break- ins and assaults of the ELDERLY.

7. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. You won’t see this data on the US evening news, or hear politicians disseminating this information.
Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens. Take note my fellow Americans, before it’s too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson.
With guns, we are ‘citizens’.
Without them, we are ’subjects’.
During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!
If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends.

Unknown said...

I've found that there is a great amount of interest in firearms and I am trying to cater to that on I've owned rifles, pistols and shotguns since I was a teenager, after my father as well as the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department taught me gun safety. I've not shot anyone but more and more criminal activity is common in our area. I would not hesitate to use any means to defend our family and farm. I certainly don't mind practicing with a pistol or rifle on the farm when I think there is a criminal element nearby. I call it prevention.

The world needs more education about guns and gun safety. It's the people that know little about guns that are dangerous. When they do pick up a gun, they wave it around like a stick, which makes me cringe horribly at the site of the lack of respect for the power of firearms.

If the government wants to outlaw guns, they should be the first to give them up.

The Hunting and Fishing Network

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