Wednesday, September 17, 2008

We Can Dance if We Wanna...

Survived political immersion unscathed ... Even helped Sen. Mike Crapo
from Idaho-Land pick a new pistol (a Sig 250, if you must know).

Had excellent conversation with Sportsmen for McCain folks...more
later ...

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Why a Sig P250? They are more expensive than a Glock or M&P and haven't been on the market long enough to be a proven commodity.

  2. ...or have many accessories available for it.

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    If I had to guess why the SIG, I'd guess that "Made in America" is very important to Sen. Crapo. That narrows the field of polymer guns down quite a bit.

    The convertibility to multi-calibers and sizes is an attractive selling point too.

    Or, maybe it just fits his hand better and "feels right".
